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  Andromedan Message of the Day channeled by Kay Noble Believe in yourself You are yourself a powerful creator of energy in the world today. The thoughts that you hold in your soul body of consciousness and the feelings for yourself, your earth, your family and your society are the very energetic impressions that you are programming into your own created energy that fills your EOS. Your energy originally supplying you with your first responses to all situations that your body of consciousness interacts with. To be the programmer of your own EOS is to become energetically responsible for the first responder programs that you will play to react to each interaction and thought we process in a day.  How can we program our EOS? With our beautiful intentions to do so. It is my intention to better myself by improving my own EOS and allow myself to consider the energy of the situations of my life in a more elevated way and from a position of love for myself and all that I interact wit...

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Intentions podcast

Self Love is Key in Using Energy

Self Love is Key  To align yourself with Energy, you must align yourself first with Self Love. To work with energy you must understand that Energy responds to vibration. The highest vibration you are capable of at least without training is Self Love. This lends you the most influence with Energy , this combined with seeing Self in ALL creates a energetic balance within us.  There are many things we can do to increase our vibrations. We can eat well, exercise, and meditate of course. Don't forget service to others and compassion. Shields are one of the fastest ways to raise your vibrations and also initiate change in yourself that is positive and long lasting. You and you alone are responsible for the Toroidal Energy space that surrounds you. The practice is simple to learn, and you dear soul deserve all the help you can get.

Ebb and Flow

There is a beautiful balance to spiritual growth. It happens naturally and without our knowledge. Looking back I can see the beauty of it all. I would see or have something revealed about myself that was less than ok. Ouch. I pulled away. I was able to look clearly at it from a not so close point of view. Then I accepted it. I realized it as a truth, and saw it as something about myself that I could improve. I sometimes giggled at my silly self and sometimes I cried like a baby as change is often hard for us to deal with. Now after many tries and fails and many more tries and successes here I am. I have grown so much as a person on this journey of self and I am proud of my accomplishments over the past 8 months. Not only am I currently working on putting together a channeled course on Earth Energy and How to Use It, I've become a Reiki Master, A Certified Clear Channel, A Hypnotherapist Massage Therapist, and a Certified Flower Remedies Specialist I have also sharpened my skil...

The 5th Dimension

The fifth dimensional you is a whole new you. You have been working hard on yourself. You have forgiven the past and sent it love and let it go. You have let go of EGO and no longer use FILTERS. Now when you look at others you see yourself in them. You are able to follow your inner knowing and you trust and LOVE yourself. Congratulations. I am so happy for you. The Possibilities are now endless. You can make your own reality. Using your intentions and the energy around you, in you and below you, now you can do wonderful things. Being a part of the All is wonderful. If you are like me you feel like you have a message to share for the good of all beings from the smallest to the largest. We are all one. This is how we are able to create our reality, we visualize it, we feel it, we become aware of it around us. We breath deeply and hold it in us. We wrap it with loving intent and breathe it out into the universe. We release it and know it will be. The work in this blog is all about...


Are you able to be Quiet? Maybe not. It turns out that this skill is harder for some than others. Things I have heard from people attempting meditation for the first time. I feel guilty when I am not moving and doing I don't have time What am I listening for How do I know if its working I don't know how First off know that you create an energy field. You absorb energy into your body from above and below and you create or influence the energy you bring in with your will. Start with a one minute Meditation and each day add one minute for 7 days. In only 7 minutes the brain can renew and you will feel so much better. All you have to do it find a private spot to sit for a quiet moment and focus only on the breath. When a though comes to you, let it drift away and come back to your breath. Only 1 min. and you can do it. Learning to meditate is not difficult, it is being quiet and then being perceptive to the thoughts and feelings that come to you. Document all.

A Whole New You

Did you know that once a year we are made new simply by shedding away our old exteriors? So let us consider this when we are facing personal changes and challenges. When we start to awaken one of the first things that happens is that we want to be the best self we can be. This means leaving behind the things that no longer serve our highest self. This is how it has been for me. I asked for help to transform myself into the new, healthy me I held that thought and I activated it. It was not an overnight process it takes time. You must be gentle with yourself when you undergo change. Change is hard as we have a tendency to prop ourselves up on our habits. For example if you smoke, drink, eat poorly chances are that you do this especially when you are alone with your thoughts. It is a distraction from yourself, this habit. If you do not look inside you will miss this fact and probably keep the habit. This isnt easy to hear like many things I say, they still need to be said. I must h...


Love is the single most powerful creation energy that you control.  Love is a manifestation of an energy form and can be turned into a physical form for expression. Wrap your head around that. Loving yourself is the single most powerful act you can perform. Loving another is the single most powerful energy you can give away. To Love someone is to wish them to reach highest self To Hold Universal love is to wish highest self for ALL. God is LOVE. You are LOVE. Embrace this wonderful fact.

Working on You

March can be a difficult month to get through, especially if your in a northern climate. Work on yourself. You can do this in so many ways there are literally to many to count but here are a few ideas. Resolve feelings- if you have been putting off setting things straight, now is the time. Let people know how you feel, stand in your truth and be ok with it. Things might not go as you would have them but let go of all the feelings of animosity and hurt. Just let them go if they are repeat offenders and you will be better for it. Practice Self Love- Tell yourself I love You. Mean it. It is so self healing this simple 3 word sentence will rock your world. Get a routine- Wake and think, sit quietly after you wake in the morning just listen and see what thoughts pop in your head. Dont subject yourself to PROGRAMMING. This is what it is.THAT is WHY they call it PROGRAMMING. This way no laws are broken. Use your HEART- Don't do what they are doing without asking yourself why am I d...

Your Life is Your Meditation

You are worthy.  We need to constantly be aware that we are indeed special and we need to honor ourselves this way. By making our life walk our meditation we are no longer having to set aside a special time of day for ourselves to make good choices. Instead we are making good choices always. Honor yourself as a sacred being that you treat with Love. If you honor yourself you will be moving toward your highest self. Be the Light in the Room. Be the you that shines. Be Love. Make a special ceremony that honors self. Use your imagination. Here is one of mine but make your own. Good Morning I am thankful for my breath and for this day I am thankful for my place in this existence I am love light I do stretching and AH meditation Then shields to up my vibrations and I start with a nice bath. I love the water and I tell it. I love you water. I love the water in me. Heal me and carry my love to the sea. Then I have a great day. This is just one way. Make it your special way. Th...

The Sunny Side

Stay on the positive side of things folks. It may be difficult at first, but then most worthwhile things are difficult. Actually change itself is the most difficult part of any new efforts you will make. When anyone meets me in public they see my smile and hear my positive attitude and feel my positive vibe. They say wow, you are brite! Thank you !!! I give hugs and say positive things! If we stay always on the positive side of things we can shift the energy of negative people around us. Some folks are negative because its the way they have learned to be. Therefore they can unlearn it as well. How did they learn to be negative? By example. How will they learn to be positive? BY EXAMPLE! Your example. Be a leader.

Dietary Changes after Waking

I am noticing so many changes in me as I go through this awakening process. One thing I noticed right away was that my diet was changing. Suddenly I could not eat Red Meat like STEAK! This was a big thing. I loved beef. I loved bloody beef,  The day after my eye was opened we were going to grill a steak for dinner. My mouth watered as I cut the rib eye and got the bloody bite on my fork. As it entered my mouth something very strange happened. The taste was not the familiar one but instead it tasted of burning IRON. It burned my mouth and I was forced to spit it out. I thought the expensive steak had gone bad. My husband had a bite and assured me that it was perfection. After some research into my new state of being I realized that it was normal to have these changes. I can tell you only what has happened to me. This was my experience. Let me add that I can also no longer enjoy SO many foods that I previously enjoyed. Mostly MEAT is Out but I can still have eggs. Sadly Macaroni ...


A Tag can be Placed on You through no fault of your own . This weekend my husband and I went into town to a tiny shop and it was full of folks and the general mood was good. There was a person sitting in a chair there however that made me feel bad. I didn't say anything because I had no reason to. We made our purchases and went home. As we got closer to home I noticed I had a very bad feeling. Almost like someone had done something wrong to me. I sat down and looked within and soon found the answer. The man who had been sitting in the store had placed a tag on me. He had bad thoughts which he attached to me. I took them home. I am a Spiritual Intuitive I was able to look inside and find exactly who, what and when this was attached. Lucky me. The next thing I did was cleanse myself with energy. I visualized a golden spring of energy coming out of the earth and wrapping itself around me and pulsing earths gentle energy around me like a bright warm hug! It absolutely worked. I...

Energy Awareness

Awareness of Energy by Kay Noble Perception is our interpretation of something that interacts with our senses, and how we conceive it. The dictionary says Perception per·cep·tion [pÉ™rˈsepSH(É™)n] noun the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. Try this The next time you are in a tub, pool or ocean. Lower your hand into the water and perceive how it changes as it enters the water. Next lower your head to the level of the water and repeat the process. Your hand has now disappeared. It is still there, only your perception of it has changed. This is what we must do with energy, we must perceive it from another point of view or with another sense. This awareness of something proves to us physically of its existence. Energy can be felt, mostly unseen. Energy is a naturally occurring force. The formation of energy is the direct result of two or more forces interacting Energy is flowing through us at all times. ...

Seven Target Zones

Seven Target Zones By Kay Noble You will hear about chakra and the Seven Seals, well I would invite you to consider this. Why are they mentioned in Eastern and Western spiritual practices? I think that these seals, or chakra have indeed been targeted by those who would keep you in the dark. Let me share with you how I came to this theory. When I woke up, I began to realize many things that I had been asleep to before. One of these things is that society and businesses have targeted the chakra or seals. Let’s look. 1.    Root Chakra- this is the place of grounding, survival, stability and manifestation in the material world. How is it attacked? Shoes prevent grounding. Your survival and stability are in question if you don’t get paid enough or regularly. ( look at the federal employees) 2.    Sacral Chakra- this is the place of emotions, relationships, sexuality and self-worth. Creativity and empathy. How is this targeted? Magazines, advertising and te...

Free Energy

Mother Earth by Kay Nobl e There are sources of Free Energy for you to tap into on the Earth. Some are stronger than others but the earth is always putting forth a healing, healthy current for us to absorb. Unfortunately, we invented shoes, breaking the most sacred connection that we shared with the earth. Much like the giant fungus that covers most of the North West America. This gigantic spore is aware at both ends. The beings that are always in contact with the earth are aware of her energies and the influence of others upon it. That doesn't really surprise me too much. When scientist split a photon particle back in 1997 they used fiber optic lines each 7 miles long. One 1/2 of the particle sent to the end of each line. Scientist were indeed surprised to see that what they did to one half of the particle that the other particle seemed to react to although it was physically 14 miles away. This particle was AWARE We are aware my friends on the atomic level. It is ju...

Heart and Mind Link

How to link heart and mind Sit quietly Fill yourself with loving thoughts for self. Know you are Love. Join me as I guide you in a short meditation to join forever your heart and mind.  Your heart and mind should work together in balance always for highest self. The process is simple. (physically tap the sternum bone on your chest.) This will draw your awareness to this area. Allow your awareness to center here. Send love to this area, send compassion and healing pink and green energy. In your imagination See a beautiful flow of energy looping around your heart and crown chakra. See this beautiful pink energy forming a continuous flow of energy that is everlasting.  Agree that you are establishing a connection that is strong and will continue to be so. That this connection will continue to channel love and healing, to your heart and then to all your organs and muscles and bones. Visualize them glowing in pink healthy love. Imagine this beautiful pink glo...


Bad News by Kay Noble Bad News By Kay Noble You have just watched the news and it has made you feel terrible.  This is a very good opportunity for you to look inside. Notice how this story makes you feel in your Chakra Zones! This News Cast has caused a negative ionic production. Meant to get a rise out of you and it worked.  So, what to do?   It’s good to have news, be aware of the effect that it has on your soul. That little bit of negativity held in you, will multiply by the end of the day, simply by being aware of it. When we focus upon something it activates it. In this instance we have focused upon negativity. Let us ask the Angels for help. Here is what I do. Angels I do not wish to feel this way.   Please remove this feeling from me as it no longer serves me. To the source of your pain say, I forgive you.  I send you Peace!  I send you Ultimate Love  I send you Enlightenment I AM love light I AM PEACE I a...


EGO is our concern over what others think about us. When we practice the ultimate love, we close our eyes and our ears which are the great perceivers for EGO. Now instead of letting these great deceivers give us information, we will instead use our soul and our hearts to see. My definition of ultimate love is wishing All things to achieve their highest possible self. Being aware that in every situation we bring into it our ego and its predetermined evaluations (filters)which may not truly represent a situation or its highest possibilities, which we all strive for. Learning to see with our third eye is in effect learning to see without an ego or filters.( In effect learning to see without your eyes and ears)   Achievement of highest self is to sustain the ability to see without ego or filters, one’s true self or the truth one finds self experiencing. Peace, Love and Enlightenment