A Tag can be Placed on You through no fault of your own .

This weekend my husband and I went into town to a tiny shop and it was full of folks and the general mood was good. There was a person sitting in a chair there however that made me feel bad. I didn't say anything because I had no reason to. We made our purchases and went home.
As we got closer to home I noticed I had a very bad feeling. Almost like someone had done something wrong to me. I sat down and looked within and soon found the answer. The man who had been sitting in the store had placed a tag on me. He had bad thoughts which he attached to me. I took them home.

I am a Spiritual Intuitive I was able to look inside and find exactly who, what and when this was attached. Lucky me.
The next thing I did was cleanse myself with energy. I visualized a golden spring of energy coming out of the earth and wrapping itself around me and pulsing earths gentle energy around me like a bright warm hug! It absolutely worked.
I felt so much better. I also had to forgive that man. I also sent him LOVE. That part was a little more difficult but I got it done. You will get it done too.

I confirmed my feelings with my husband and he agreed 100 percent on my feelings and perceptions. He had gotten the exact same feelings from the man.

It is unfortunate that there are so many people out in the world that have these issues and can send home tags with you. The reason I am sharing this is so that you can be self aware of where bad feeling come from, and how to deal with it.
Be aware of your surroundings. Use the energy of Earth to cleanse yourself.
Practice makes perfect.


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