Keeping the Channel Open
One of the biggest hurdles newly awakened souls find is keeping in contact with our inner God self. God is in all. Being awake to this fact can allow you access to these things because we are all ONE.
Here are a few helpful ways to keep that channel open.
- Constant Prayer- In your mind while you do all the little things that you do all day, keep a constant prayer going. This is the back channel where God speaks to me and you. That channel is your subconscious line in.
- Make positive choices- one at a time
- Learn to see yourself in others, and send them love.
- Practice Taking Power from Painful situations.
- Reach out to others who are also waking up. Form support groups and encourage others.
- Work on Raising your vibrations, by making choices for Peace. Love and Enlightenment.
- Grounding, walk on Earth, swim in the ocean, bury yourself in the sand. Soak up sunshine, do get sun in your eyes.
- Love Each Other
Remember your not alone. Its easy to feel alone, especially when we have been socially programmed to scorn each other for any difference. Can you imagine one flower in the field wishing all the others were the same?
The Earth is going to Ascend to the 5th dimension whether we are ready or not. I suggest you get ready. Forgive those who have hurt you and send them love. IT is time to start getting rid of all that holds you down.
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