
Showing posts with the label free


  Andromedan Message of the Day channeled by Kay Noble Believe in yourself You are yourself a powerful creator of energy in the world today. The thoughts that you hold in your soul body of consciousness and the feelings for yourself, your earth, your family and your society are the very energetic impressions that you are programming into your own created energy that fills your EOS. Your energy originally supplying you with your first responses to all situations that your body of consciousness interacts with. To be the programmer of your own EOS is to become energetically responsible for the first responder programs that you will play to react to each interaction and thought we process in a day.  How can we program our EOS? With our beautiful intentions to do so. It is my intention to better myself by improving my own EOS and allow myself to consider the energy of the situations of my life in a more elevated way and from a position of love for myself and all that I interact wit...

The Significance of TWO

The Significance of Two By Kay Noble © copyright 2021 There are codes, and numbers our team is using to send us frequency and these messages are coming to a clearer understanding for me with the use of a codex of light I was given by the Collective Consciousness of Energy of the Angels of Light. When I reference the Codex this is what I am using. Do you see numeric patterns? Numbers carry frequency like all things, letters, colors and light codes. All given this energetic value supplied by Source Code. This is the Light Codex understanding that I convey. The Significance of two. Are you receiving the code 2, 22,2;22? When this is a repeating event in your life, it may be a code. Your higher self collective or team may be sending you a signal or a sign. Let’s use the codex of light to look at the energetic value of two. TWO- Teach/Tech Wholeness of Organic TWENTY - Teach/Tech Wholeness Energy Abundance Teach/Tech Container Wholeness of energetic teaching would be the alignment with the ...

A Message From Your Pet

Visit for a free download of the legal form for your pet. As a Clear Channel I am able to work with animals and it is very rewarding. I love their beautiful hearts and pure spirits. Check out my other videos on the YouTube channel. Thanks for your valuable time. Love and Light. Kay

Filters ARE Lessons

     Filters are Lessons             By Kay Noble Each Filter that we choose to wear is a lesson to be learned for highest self. If you wear a filter, you have no doubt chosen this lesson. There are other ways to get lessons. One way is to join another in their Filter use. An example of this is Gossiping. When you share your view or slant on something because of your filters and it sticks to this person, they have agreed to use your filter. When they pass it on, they have agreed to learn the lesson. A word to the wise, before you engage in Gossip ask yourself are you ready for a new lesson? When you acknowledge that you have learned the lesson, send it thanks and let it go, you are removing the Filter. You have grown and your soul has grown, you have raised your vibration. This feels wonderful. You smile within and you are humble. This is a process, identifying your filters, realizing how you got the...

Tough Choices

Tough Choices by Kay Noble Why is it important to be in your heart space to make decisions? Because when you are in your heart space you are not using filters that reside in the brain. In life we must try to make our decisions for highest self, and this decision may be painful for you. How do you know if you are standing in Your Heart Space? Ask yourself this. Is it for Highest self? Does it hurt anyone at all? How about your Heart Chakra how does that feel? You will make mistakes; you will hurt others and yourself. Hopefully, you will learn, and grow from the experience. Make sure you acknowledge the lesson. These are experiences, not only should you honor the experience of the person playing the positive role, but the negative role as well. Many times, we agree to interact in each other’s lives for the benefit of a lesson needed for our souls development. We are living a life to educate our soul and GROW. Can you learn? Know that we are all Energetic ...

Letting EGO GO!

Letting EGO GO! By Kay Noble Ego is caring about what others think about you. Do Not.   Ego makes you alter your true self and therefore alters the growth of self. This response ultimately leads to complications as it is not LOVE based. Now because of standing in EGO we must place filters and barriers to protect us from the views and judgement of others which are painful, because they are using filters to judge you. It is an experience meant to teach you a lesson. Learn the lesson. When you love self, you are able to stand in that Love Light and be ok with others having different views and perspectives as they are ultimately having different experiences. Understand we all must learn the same lessons during a lifetime or several lifetimes. GOD is LOVE as Jesus is Love as WE are LOVE. You create or recreate what you are. You are not a dirty little sinner, you Are LOVE. If you look inside, you know that. You are a being of Love and Light and you are having an experience. Y...

Quantum Affect

by Kay Noble  I am love light; I hear that a lot from myself. I am constantly affirming my Love and my Oneness with All things. I love all things and search for the awareness of how we are alike, but are we? How can we prove that we are connected and aware of this connection and can influence it in a Quantum way? Enter Science. The Experiment-CERN Laboratory We know about molecules and atoms, but what are they made of?   Photons are the smallest particle we can work with at the time. Scientist took a Photon, think of it as a point of light energy and they split in half so that they would have two exact pieces. Then they placed each one in a tube that was approximately seven miles long in opposite directions. They shot each particle into their tube, when it arrived at the end of the scientist interacted with it by stimulating it with electrons and monitored the reaction. Then they and 3400 Journalist watched in amazement as this incredible moment in time ha...

Bringing Solar Energy Down

I am just bouncing around this house today and I will tell you why. I have learned a new skill. How to bring Solar or Universal Energy down into you. Its very simple. Standing or sitting. Pull earths energy to your waist by visualizing a golden coil coming up from Earth and wrapping itself around you. Next visualize a white strong waterfall pouring its beautiful white energy into the top of your head. It fills your feet and then all the way to your head. This is incredible energy and you will be running around like me. Enjoy.