Here is a Channel with Mr. E
Channeling with Mr E © Kay Noble 2021 I am with Mr E of the Fae this morning. It is a beautiful frequency. He speaks of energy as I have communicated what I am doing to him. I am working by sharing information about energy and the awareness of it and how to use it for our own highest good. He is resonate. He is aware of earth's energy as he is of the earth. He is conveying wisdom as I seek, I feel. Begin Channel : You understand- in my mind, I see small orbs of fire, water and light. Did you understand that you are the Earth? It is that you have been separated from the fact. Although it has been placed into your records the meaning is confused. In the Bible it is said that man was made from clay, light and water. Then the woman was recreated from the man. This was confusion in its intention. You spend so much time trying to make sense of that which is to hold no understanding, you analyze and this effort keeps you running in circles and distracts you from your ow...