
Showing posts with the label gassho meditation

Divine Timing

Trusting Higher Self and Divine Timing  When I was younger, I was very good at getting my way. Getting there first, winning the race. I would get my way, but the timing was all wrong.  Unfortunately, in that moment you do not realize this. The only realization that you have in the moment is that you’ve got what you wanted. You have yet to realize that there is more than getting what you wanted.  This beautiful realization comes with growth. All divinely timed. We have all experienced divine timing at some point in our life. Including your own birth. I’m sure you can think of a moment when you just missed an accident by taking a wrong turn or you entered a contest on a whim and won.  We quickly forget these events or just attach the word luck to them and file them away.  What about timing? We all seem to be in a hurry, in a fevered pace to complete an endless mission.  The programming we play here allows us to feel, fear, shame, g...

Taking Power Back

Taking Power By Kay Noble This in effect is a form of programming of self. It works, I am excited for you. You’ve just had an argument size is unimportant, as it has made you feel bad. You do not want to feel bad this affects your personal power. REALLY. This is your Solar plexus and very important to protect it and keep it healthy. He said, she said and now it hurts. FORGIVE THEM- right down to the ground. Be humble. Replace anger feeling with LOVE. I love you. (See yourself in them. We are all one.) Next send yourself Love as you have done it right. REPEAT each time it crosses your mind. Now feeling much better. You have just taken a blow and turned it into personal power. Now what can stop you? God is with you. You have just energetically realigned yourself with LOVE. Hold this power of love in you, fertilize with thoughts of peace and love. Watch you GROW.

Your Daily DO

Try this Print it out or copy and paste or whatever as long as you do it, Say it and Mean It! Try this looking in the mirror. I Love you  ( Your Name Here)! I love you! You embody love. I am proud to be you! You are good in thought and deed You are kind to all creatures, Earth and the Universe You are worthy of blessings I forgive you your shortfalls and send you love as you choose to improve self daily. One choice, one step and one day at a time. I am one with ALL. I love you. Peace, Love and Light

The Sunny Side

Stay on the positive side of things folks. It may be difficult at first, but then most worthwhile things are difficult. Actually change itself is the most difficult part of any new efforts you will make. When anyone meets me in public they see my smile and hear my positive attitude and feel my positive vibe. They say wow, you are brite! Thank you !!! I give hugs and say positive things! If we stay always on the positive side of things we can shift the energy of negative people around us. Some folks are negative because its the way they have learned to be. Therefore they can unlearn it as well. How did they learn to be negative? By example. How will they learn to be positive? BY EXAMPLE! Your example. Be a leader.

Social Acceptance

It can be difficult to wake up before the rest of the people you socialize with. You may be looked upon as strange or different. THIS is the social programming I was talking about. If they make fun of you then they do not have to look inside themselves and see where there own problems are. Instead they are resistant. There is nothing you can do for these dear folks that you love so very much. We can only pray for them and send them love. You are responsible for you. Educate yourself and be ready to support your friends and family when it is time for them to awaken. There is a time and a place for every purpose under heaven. Believe those words. Practice makes perfect. Pray constantly.

Sending Earth Love

How can you tell the Earth You Love Her? You do love her? It is the Earth who provides your every need. Right down to the vibrations you need to stay alive.  Your planet provides you with a place to live and all of the air and food you need.  Bless her. Don't pollute her, recycle, reuse and repeat. When you ground and that should be daily, tell her you love her and THANK YOU.  Send her your good vibes. Each step you take could be sending her vibrations of love and peace. Its up to you to show your Earth Mother you love her. When we show love for another being we are raising our own vibration. Dear friend you cannot loose. Peace.