
By Kay Noble copyright 2024

Do you tell the truth, but put your spin on it? If you do stop! The truth does not need to be spin doctored. Because if we are spinning the truth, then we are not healing anything. We are not making it better but smoothing it over the truth is the truth is the truth. Why do you say that three times here in the third dimension?

Because the third dimension is a three phase layer of reality- a spirit, a soul, and a body of consciousness, that body that physical body that you hold it all together in.

  We will see the similarities between the sun, the planets and creation, it is ever collapsing and expanding collapsing in size and increasing in mass awareness is of that solar sun being that makes energy that we all utilize in our everyday lives. Perpetual intelligent and conscious the solar energy is with a frequency of still being discovered the layers of intelligence, and I’m sure we will never understand all of the information that is on the light. The energy of consciousness is recorded on Record left behind on rocks trees and crystals studied by scientists and archaeologist to this day. This record, whether fossilized or living is now being read at the photonic level because energy holds all frequencies. For example, if I wanted to know more about the asteroid that came in and destroyed Russia in 1905, I might gather the resin from the trees that had crystallized to know more about that event. I might also gather the stones from that area .

To awaken to your conscious self is to realize that we are influenceable through these electro magnetic fields in many phases, including that phase that is man-made, we need to lose the fear of cell phones and we need to do that now. For having a fear is to lower the vibration, which causes you a personal dalliance from your ascension process while you figure out to let fear go. 

The removal of Fear from my life has done more to help me than anything I recall my first EMF meter and the panic that I felt as it went beep beep beep where I was sitting most of my day indicating a cancer causing field. At first, I was afraid. Then I move my chair. Then I overcame that fear and begin to purchase things that disrupt that field, for my phone it was EMF stickers with Shungite and copper within.. now I use my meter to be sure that I am sitting in a safe location. I use my technology to remove the overcoming fields because I am very sensitive. I know I’m not the only sensitive person and this is another reason I share this information.

By learning to protect our fields by wearing sunscreen in our make ups and lotions as they protect against EMF frequencies by wearing Shungite necklaces, jewelry, we can protect our body and by purchasing EMF signal disruptors can clear the fields in our home created by technology used in the home.

By placing selenite towers and crystalline grids, which is rather basic way of creating a higher vibrational field than that field that man is using .

By using barriers created by crystalline grids natural earth frequencies are able to create fields that produce a higher frequency, therefore, removing the lower frequency fields. People living in the most undesirable fields with population is very high can manifest a safe zone to live in to work and to function. The method mind over technology, soul over technology, spirit over technology and your higher self that trinity that you are align with the ability for technology not to control you, instead you will use the technology as a catalyst to increase your knowing to expand your wisdom and to give you more control in your life and its effectiveness on the planet earth.

We can choose to be that light, that highest and brightest light, that we can be and as we make those choices, it creates a stronger life force field around us that will align like forces. Perhaps this is where hero worship first came in to play and we wanted to be like the movie stars. But the last the movie stars were not like that that they represented so it was a faulty foundation , when looking deeper, we saw the movie stars as only innocent beings like ourselves, trying to impress others and to be perfect in every way.

Let us recognize our humanity that that houses the soul that develops and trains, studies and practices has the life on the earth and does the work.

That soul that beautiful being will not give into technology, but will learn to use technology that beautiful soul that will not give in to man-made technology but overcome and use man-made technology to improve their lives to increase their potential and expand the wisdom and knowing making a healthier footprint upon the earth not only for themselves, but for their lineage and let it be known that we are the generation that has come to clear the fields of the damage done by returning the wheel of karma by learning and documenting the lessons a soul is learning in our personal journals . These journals are expanding our knowledge and retaining our thoughts throughout all time space. Allowing us to explore new ideas and not go round evermore in a fixed state of consciousness.


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