10/10 Astral Influences

The 10/10 portal date what does it mean?

This 1010 portal date will come to us as an energetic understanding - that what we put into our intentions, it is that what we will receive back from it. 

Surely the universe is telling us to practice what we preach to exercise that which we understand and to work diligently to achieve our goals. Our work is never finished because to complete your work is to complete your life. 

We can retire, but we do not stop thinking or helping or participating in our families  or of our community or our our friends lives. Please letlet us on this day and all others find you safe, not alone not afraid but able to stand upon the rock that is the foundation of your belief system. For all things are energetic from the sun and the sky to the body of conscious awareness that is the life experience most human. 

Our life is our own it is a gift. Enjoy it. When we stand in the understanding that our life is to be enjoyed, then we can use that for the foundation of how we react in every situation.


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