
Showing posts with the label reiki

A Message From Your Pet

Visit for a free download of the legal form for your pet. As a Clear Channel I am able to work with animals and it is very rewarding. I love their beautiful hearts and pure spirits. Check out my other videos on the YouTube channel. Thanks for your valuable time. Love and Light. Kay

Holding Space with Love

Holding Space Have you ever heard of the term Holding Space? This is a very loving expression and indeed an intense form of prayer. To hold space for someone can be very helpful for them. A person who is going through an operation or a stressful event will benefit if we hold space in Love for them. We can also hold space for any person place or thing as it is an act of Love. We are Energetic Beings of Love and Light. GOD is in us. When we focus upon something we are sending it Energy. When we are aligned in LOVE we can be very effective. Want to try? Easy way to start. Surround yourself with your own golden Love Light in your mind see yourself surrounded with golden light. See the person, place or thing surrounded with golden Love Light, see it there beautifully surrounding them. See yourself in them, and you are Love and you feel wonderful sending them Love Light. All day as you think of this person, place or thing see the beautiful shimmering Love Light surrounding them. Wish...


Ascension What is it? To Ascend means to spiritually level up. To become aware of the life that abounds around you that you have been asleep to. Seeing Self in others and Loving All things are just the first steps. There are many steps. Like a small child going outdoors for the first time it is a world full of discovery and it is all new and exciting. You will not learn everything at once,you were never meant to. It is a beautiful process, one that you will look back upon and be grateful for. It however may bring you tears, bring you joy and much reflection and learning. It is a journey that is your own. Reach out. Ask the Angels and Jesus to help you, they are listening. I send you peace, love and light.

Authentic Self

Your Authentic Self By Kay Noble/September 2019 I am standing in my Authentic Self. It becomes quickly evident when speaking with me. I have only love for myself and all the experiences of my life. I am thankful for every breath and thankful to be able to hear the angels, and ever will be humble. W hy is it important to be in your Authentic self? B ecause, these are the lessons your soul has come forth to learn. Your soul set out to learn these lessons, and yes, some are painful, and some joyful, as there is a beautiful balance to these experiences. I t is this way when you begin to channel with the Angels. They are of a higher vibration and wish us to achieve highest self. They want us to Love one and other in a wholesome way. When you start channeling with angels, the lessons you get are for your own growth. Later you will be asked to share your lessons, when they feel you are ready to. Trust the Angels, they are Love and Light and Jesus and the Angels will never lead ...

I Love Water and I Tell It

Kay Noble/9/2019 Yes, I Love Water! Water is an amazing thing. Not only can it express itself in all forms, but it can tell you about how it felt! Yes, that’s right. Water stores information about its experience. WOW! Science has only now discovered that water has a new amazing property. How? The experiment was carried out this way. Two identical cups of water were placed in two different experiences. One with loving vibrations, kindness and the other with lower vibrations, hostility. Then the water was frozen and sliced and examined under an electron microscope. The results were incredible. The water that had been exposed to loving vibrations had beautifully formed crystalline structures like a snowflake. The water that had been exposed to lower vibrations looked deformed and grotesque. So which water do you want to drink? Say I love you to the water you drink, cook, bathe and swim in. Say I love you to the rivers, lakes and to the OCEANS. WAIT! We are all water. I...

What Are You Giving Airplay To?

By Kay Noble 9/3/2019 Let’s say that you are a Radio Station Manager, and not just any station manager. You are Love Light, so your station is heard by ALL. That is quiet a daunting responsibility isn’t it. Let’s imagine, you are programming your life with this station. That all the songs you play will directly influence your life. Now how are you feeling?   You are not going to want to play songs with negative statements like, I am an idiot or ugly or not enough are you? Especially if you thought that they would affect you directly. Everything you give air play too will end up in your mind station and then you must address discernment or deprogramming. The better option is to BE careful what you put on the air in the first place. Instead of calling yourself silly or stupid when you make a mistake, say “ I am a child of the universe ever learning”, or “watch me grow”.   Start quantum programming your radio station for success. Pay attention to your playlist. ...

Expressing Gratitude to Raise Vibrations

Eases Pain and Raises Your Vibration by Kay Noble When you are in Pain little else crosses the mind but that pain. Understand that the low vibrations of pain are real. It is also REAL that you can change your perception of pain. How? When we give thanks, we are realigning ourselves with the higher vibration of love. When we love ourselves energy agrees with us. When you are in the throes of pain or perhaps, you’re just waking and you are already in pain. Stop. Breathe. Because you are an Energetic Being of Love and Light you are energy.  You are in control of your toroidal space and you can absolutely feel better! Recite this: I am thankful I am thankful for the breath for the pain that is teaching me to respect self As I continue to improve myself daily I am thankful, truly thankful For my life, the air and my place in this world. I love me. I am worthy of the blessings of this Universe.

Your Daily DO

Try this Print it out or copy and paste or whatever as long as you do it, Say it and Mean It! Try this looking in the mirror. I Love you  ( Your Name Here)! I love you! You embody love. I am proud to be you! You are good in thought and deed You are kind to all creatures, Earth and the Universe You are worthy of blessings I forgive you your shortfalls and send you love as you choose to improve self daily. One choice, one step and one day at a time. I am one with ALL. I love you. Peace, Love and Light

Social Acceptance

It can be difficult to wake up before the rest of the people you socialize with. You may be looked upon as strange or different. THIS is the social programming I was talking about. If they make fun of you then they do not have to look inside themselves and see where there own problems are. Instead they are resistant. There is nothing you can do for these dear folks that you love so very much. We can only pray for them and send them love. You are responsible for you. Educate yourself and be ready to support your friends and family when it is time for them to awaken. There is a time and a place for every purpose under heaven. Believe those words. Practice makes perfect. Pray constantly.

Sending Earth Love

How can you tell the Earth You Love Her? You do love her? It is the Earth who provides your every need. Right down to the vibrations you need to stay alive.  Your planet provides you with a place to live and all of the air and food you need.  Bless her. Don't pollute her, recycle, reuse and repeat. When you ground and that should be daily, tell her you love her and THANK YOU.  Send her your good vibes. Each step you take could be sending her vibrations of love and peace. Its up to you to show your Earth Mother you love her. When we show love for another being we are raising our own vibration. Dear friend you cannot loose. Peace.


Bad News by Kay Noble Bad News By Kay Noble You have just watched the news and it has made you feel terrible.  This is a very good opportunity for you to look inside. Notice how this story makes you feel in your Chakra Zones! This News Cast has caused a negative ionic production. Meant to get a rise out of you and it worked.  So, what to do?   It’s good to have news, be aware of the effect that it has on your soul. That little bit of negativity held in you, will multiply by the end of the day, simply by being aware of it. When we focus upon something it activates it. In this instance we have focused upon negativity. Let us ask the Angels for help. Here is what I do. Angels I do not wish to feel this way.   Please remove this feeling from me as it no longer serves me. To the source of your pain say, I forgive you.  I send you Peace!  I send you Ultimate Love  I send you Enlightenment I AM love light I AM PEACE I a...


What is a Filter? by Kay Noble A small child is playing outside and he is having a wonderful time. Along comes an unhappy cat and this cat acts unreasonably and attacks the boy. This experience with the Cat has created a FILTER. A filter is a learned response to protect self from new or different experiences. Throughout history Filters have kept us alive. We learned quickly how to survive in our environment because of our ability to apply filters and boundaries. However, because filters have been so beneficial to us in the past does not mean that they are appropriate in every situation. Life and Death are one thing but when we apply filters for the wrong reasons (not for survival or safety) then they begin to separate us. You probably have filters without realizing it, that shape how you feel about people and or your surroundings What is your first thought when I say; kindness sexuality physical disabilities religion autistic alcoholic Ethnic  Social ...