I Love Water and I Tell It

Kay Noble/9/2019
Yes, I Love Water!

Water is an amazing thing. Not only can it express itself in all forms, but it can tell you about how it felt! Yes, that’s right. Water stores information about its experience. WOW! Science has only now discovered that water has a new amazing property. How?
The experiment was carried out this way. Two identical cups of water were placed in two different experiences. One with loving vibrations, kindness and the other with lower vibrations, hostility. Then the water was frozen and sliced and examined under an electron microscope. The results were incredible. The water that had been exposed to loving vibrations had beautifully formed crystalline structures like a snowflake. The water that had been exposed to lower vibrations looked deformed and grotesque.
So which water do you want to drink? Say I love you to the water you drink, cook, bathe and swim in. Say I love you to the rivers, lakes and to the OCEANS.
WAIT! We are all water.
I love you water
I love you water in me
You are beautiful and healing
Heal me and my body
I love you
I love you
I love me
I love me
I am love

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