Quantum Affect

by Kay Noble 
I am love light; I hear that a lot from myself. I am constantly affirming my Love and my Oneness with All things. I love all things and search for the awareness of how we are alike, but are we?
How can we prove that we are connected and aware of this connection and can influence it in a Quantum way? Enter Science.

The Experiment-CERN Laboratory
We know about molecules and atoms, but what are they made of?
 Photons are the smallest particle we can work with at the time. Scientist took a Photon, think of it as a point of light energy and they split in half so that they would have two exact pieces. Then they placed each one in a tube that was approximately seven miles long in opposite directions. They shot each particle into their tube, when it arrived at the end of the scientist interacted with it by stimulating it with electrons and monitored the reaction. Then they and 3400 Journalist watched in amazement as this incredible moment in time happened.  The twin to this particle now fourteen miles away had the exact same reaction as the stimulated particle.
What does this mean for you?  You are a being of photons (love light) with quantum control you may influence this energy with your love light. Energy will agree with the highest vibration, if you love yourself you can lovingly influence energy for your highest self.
Gratitude, self love, service to others these all work to help raise the vibration and the higher the better when it comes to manifesting. Dealing with shadow work, which all need to address at some point in their life and releasing the things that no longer serve us also help to raise your vibrations. As you continue to work this way, improving self, loving self, and seeing yourself in All other things you will form an energy alignment which will further help you achieve your goals. You are the only one who will do the work for your highest self. You.
Tell yourself, I am love light. Gods golden light fills me and emanates from me. I am good, kind and worthy of the blessings of this universe. I am LOVE. Be conscious of your outward light, always be your best. Release low vibrations. Shine your light.


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