  by Kay Noble
I’m not Enough or I don’t have enough. I don’t feel loved.
Are you playing this program?
We all need to eat, and the very consciousness of this need creates a human response of gathering. It’s what we do, we are hunter- gatherers.
Once we followed the herd and collected the ripe foods along the way, a roaming society. Symbiotically living with the natural balance of the planet.
Now we have cabinets and freezers. When we open them, we expect to see certain things inside. If we open them and they are empty, we need to Re-supply.
Here we have set boundaries on how low our food stores should be before we allow our program of gathering to play out.
Fear of hunger still sends hunters to the woods.
This same awareness/ gathering/ evaluation happens for every need in our life and this is a natural and human experience.
Realize that we have this pattern or program for our needs including Love.
If we feel that our needs are not met or that they will not be met, then we know Fear. A natural response meant to get you up and moving to care for your need. If you feel that your needs aren’t being met, then time to change your gathering spot or what you consume.
Migration. New Beginnings are necessary for the cycle of gathering to continue, you must move off the field for the grass to grow back. You do not stay in one place sucking it dry without re- stocking it do you?
Or do you?
Many times, we take and take, not with the intentions of depleting our source, but often this is the outcome because of distractions.
Once your needs are met you work on others. Because you are here having an experience you must learn to manage your harvest of needs, part of your growth, and all for the highest possible self. Feeling safe, means having your needs met.
When we do our self-check of awareness/ gathering/ evaluation and our levels are met, FEAR gone.
Be aware of this basic need and pay attention to how you Feel when the fridge is full, is your energy high? How about when it’s empty? Are you feeling the need to gather?
Are you feeling loved?
Are your needs met?
These are all directly influencing your energy and vibrations. You are the one who sets the boundaries for what you need. YOU program your own response to gather. So when this need is triggered, know it is in place for your growth and placed there by you.
Honoring this feeling to gather is to honor highest self. You are doing everything just right for your growth.
Be aware.
Release FEAR.


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