

September 18, 2019
I spoke with my sister Grace this morning she passed 2003 on my birthday. She told me that even the date of her Death was supposed to be an awakening code for me. 
Knowing at first it would hurt but then later - I would remember one special conversation that she had with me a few years prior. 
Before she passed she told me that some young friends she had were in an auto accident and a small child who is in the car seat suffered enough trauma that it died. 
The couple had called my sister Gracie thinking she possess such magic because of her goodness and kindness that she could bring the child back. 
Gracie looked me right in the eyes recalling the story, " can you believe that they thought I possess that kind of power
I remember looking her back in the eye and that moment, I’ll never forget it . To her I said " It’s ok", Though in my mind I thought yeah, I can believe it I can definitely believe it. “ 
That’s the conversation I was to remember to plant a seed! 
Evidently, we do things like this to leave little clues behind. She said we both did this. So I must have done it too. 
My sister died a tragic death, stabbed 77 times by her son. Gracie is fine, she holds no hate, fear, or negative vibrations in anyway. When I told her I was sorry about how she passed she just smiled and said, aw and brushed it away with a smile like it was all forgiven and let go and didn’t effect her here. 
She is ❤️ love. She was instantly freed from negative things upon her departure. Gracie was a first wave soul star a volunteer coming to help us and now she greets people who pass and shows them the way. She informs me to share that there is no fear or low vibrations in our afterlife 💜. 
My grandma confirmed this as well and others who have passed. I too have had 2 near death experiences. There is No pain in death. There is NO hell, if anything HELL is the classroom experience, we are having as we visit Earth. Are we learning to care for the classroom? That’s a lesson too.


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