
Showing posts with the label Universal energy

Loose Weight Fast

  Loose Weight Fast September 1, 2021 Loose Weight Fast September 1, 2021 2021 by Kay Noble I have discovered the most amazing way to reduce my appetite and maintain a healthy weight!  I’m going to share it with you right now.  I lost 15 lbs, got better sleep and have better focus.  One of the many blessings in my life was the path that has taken me to the discovery of energy. I am Reiki Master,  an energy healer, teacher and guide. How I discovered this wonderful truth was purely by accident.  My quest was to know about energy, through that quest and seeking, a beautiful discovery has come to my attention. I have started leveling up my awareness of energy. I am now claiming the energy I make as a creator being, and expressing awareness of that creation and claiming responsibility for it as well by integrating this processes of Energy into my body. I soon felt better with more energy. I noticed the difference on missed days. We make energy all day long, awa...

New Understandings about Self Love

How about Self Love? Copyright Kay Noble  6/8/2021 Energy Healers and Energy Teachers and Counselors go on and on about self love. It is the subject of many articles, blogs, websites, books, retreats and teachings. Let me shine some light on the the understanding of self love. Let us use another understanding. That of the Codex of the Light. S- Source E- Energy L- Legal F-Family or Lineage L-Legal O-Organic V-Value E-Energy The Codex relays the understanding that you are Source Energy and and it is Your Legal Family. It Also relays the understanding that the Legal (Your responsibility) Organic Value is the Energy. You are the holder of the Source Light. Upon the Source Light is a Light Code and it is there Energetically aligning you to the source frequency even before you awaken. It is the Family that is familiar to you.  When we love Self it is to know that we are from Source and that we are a part of a Collective that is All that there is which is Energy. Energy exists in C...