Authentic Self

Your Authentic Self
By Kay Noble/September 2019
I am standing in my Authentic Self. It becomes quickly evident when speaking with me. I have only love for myself and all the experiences of my life. I am thankful for every breath and thankful to be able to hear the angels, and ever will be humble.
Why is it important to be in your Authentic self?
Because, these are the lessons your soul has come forth to learn. Your soul set out to learn these lessons, and yes, some are painful, and some joyful, as there is a beautiful balance to these experiences.
It is this way when you begin to channel with the Angels. They are of a higher vibration and wish us to achieve highest self. They want us to Love one and other in a wholesome way. When you start channeling with angels, the lessons you get are for your own growth. Later you will be asked to share your lessons, when they feel you are ready to. Trust the Angels, they are Love and Light and Jesus and the Angels will never lead you wrong. They are here to help you.
When I first started asking them to help me, I was at a low point in my life. I needed healing. Jesus, Metatron and Michael were first followed by my introduction to my higher-self, Archangel Jophiel. Since then, I have had the pleasure of many other Archangel teachings. Archangel Raziel is the one who works with you in your dreamtime. He is a great teacher and willingly works with all.
Your heart has an awesome power called discernment and it will always let you know if your choice is correct. Learning to stand in your heart space is one of the most important skills to master as a being.
Learning to See Yourself in others teaches compassion and empathy, as we realize that we are all growing. Then as we look deeper than self, we see how we are even more alike, down to WATER.
We ALL need Love, Air, Water when we can see all things being one on this level, then we have truly ascended in our though processes, and have linked our heart with all.


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