Divine Timing

Trusting Higher Self and Divine Timing 

When I was younger, I was very good at getting my way. Getting there first, winning the race. I would get my way, but the timing was all wrong. 
Unfortunately, in that moment you do not realize this. The only realization that you have in the moment is that you’ve got what you wanted. You have yet to realize that there is more than getting what you wanted. 
This beautiful realization comes with growth. All divinely timed.

We have all experienced divine timing at some point in our life. Including your own birth. I’m sure you can think of a moment when you just missed an accident by taking a wrong turn or you entered a contest on a whim and won. 

We quickly forget these events or just attach the word luck to them and file them away. 

What about timing?
We all seem to be in a hurry, in a fevered pace to complete an endless mission. 
The programming we play here allows us to feel, fear, shame, guilt envy, sadness, worry, doubt and greed to name a few. 

What if we could relive stress by placing our trust in our higher self and bring our focus back to the now? 

By focusing in the now we place all our precious energy upon what we are focusing upon. 

Are you getting what you want? Are your intentions coming into fruition? Are you spreading your focus all over the place and therefore your energy? 

Through the practice of meditation we learn focus. It may surprise you to hear, but one of the simplest and most rewarding things you can do for you is learn to meditate. 

The positive influences of meditation include: improved focus, improved outlook, original thoughts, creativity, improved health, improved mood, inner peace. With all these benefits why wouldn’t their be a meditation studio on every corner? 

We are in control of our program. If you don’t like the one you are running, change it.
It’s your right and your responsibility. 

When we learn to focus and be in the now we can see how this beautiful universe is dancing and join in the dance. We may experience this beautiful divine timing. This is your experience, your higher self has a plan. It has been divinely timed for you.  

How do you know when you’re in time and on track? 
Are you feeling like you’re having a bit of luck? 
Are you happy? 
Productive or creative? Are you kind? Are you confident?
Are you in a high positive vibration? Are you the best you can be daily? Are you trusting your higher self? 
We are all growing beautifully and we are one. 


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