
 Andromedan Message of the Day channeled by Kay Noble

Believe in yourself

You are yourself a powerful creator of energy in the world today. The thoughts that you hold in your soul body of consciousness and the feelings for yourself, your earth, your family and your society are the very energetic impressions that you are programming into your own created energy that fills your EOS. Your energy originally supplying you with your first responses to all situations that your body of consciousness interacts with. To be the programmer of your own EOS is to become energetically responsible for the first responder programs that you will play to react to each interaction and thought we process in a day. 

How can we program our EOS?

With our beautiful intentions to do so. It is my intention to better myself by improving my own EOS and allow myself to consider the energy of the situations of my life in a more elevated way and from a position of love for myself and all that I interact with. 

Look into the mirror at your own reflection. This is myself and I am a beautiful creation of the forces of the Creator. I am here at this time because I am needed here at this time. 

Humanity needs to be needed. How are you feeling needed? Are you feeling the need to do good works in your community? 

When you get up and fulfill the calling to your energetic self you are answering a call to elevate the energetic vibration in your area. Did you pick up trash, clean a yard, plant a vegetable or flower garden? While we do these things we are asked to remember the purpose of doing them. I am creating this garden for my nutrition and for an opportunity to ground my energetic body upon the earth and heal myself by grounding the energy. I am communing with nature and allowing myself to enjoy the earths natural energetic forces all around me. As I clean, clear, plant or commune I hear the insect world, I see the beauty of the flowers and I stop and enjoy them and look for the messages upon my consciousness that they may have for me. Energy is consciousness and when we are expressing our love for our earth it will return that energy with the helpful expression of grounding. 

This has been a channeled message from the Andromedan Council for the Betterment of Energetic Understandings upon the Consciousness of the Earths planetary alignment.

Thank You. Message received by Kay Noble 4.10.23


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