Working on You

March can be a difficult month to get through, especially if your in a northern climate. Work on yourself. You can do this in so many ways there are literally to many to count but here are a few ideas.

  • Resolve feelings- if you have been putting off setting things straight, now is the time. Let people know how you feel, stand in your truth and be ok with it. Things might not go as you would have them but let go of all the feelings of animosity and hurt. Just let them go if they are repeat offenders and you will be better for it.
  • Practice Self Love- Tell yourself I love You. Mean it. It is so self healing this simple 3 word sentence will rock your world.
  • Get a routine- Wake and think, sit quietly after you wake in the morning just listen and see what thoughts pop in your head. Dont subject yourself to PROGRAMMING. This is what it is.THAT is WHY they call it PROGRAMMING. This way no laws are broken.
  • Use your HEART- Don't do what they are doing without asking yourself why am I doing this? How does it make me feel? That's a big one. If you are being nasty, talking about someone who isn't there that is WRONG! Just because your in a group doing it doesn't make you cool it makes you ONE OF THE WRONG. If this is you, forgive yourself and send yourself love.
  • Realize that you are GROWING. 


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