Wake up to Breakfast

Start your day with 16 oz of water
Then add either
Apple sauce or an avocado

Later try scrambled eggs or some oatmeal.

Do not consume your breakfast all at once as this overwhelms the body and if you eat to much it can actually make you feel bad. Food is an energy source for you. It is a way of telling your body that you love you.

You need to establish a trust with yourself.
Does your body trust you? Ask yourself this.
Quiet yourself and ask and be honest with the response that you get.

Ill tell you what I got when I did this.
Heck NO I do not trust you. You have eaten poorly, you have made so many bad choices about what foods you eat and why! You have become sick from eating poorly. You have not earned my trust.

So then I had to say , I'm sorry. Please forgive me body. I do want to do the right things and make the right choices. I love you. I love you. Please work with me and help me. I started eating healthier by making good choices one at a time. I didn't try to get it all done in one movement. I took my time. Now I feel so much better. This takes time. It has been years now.

When I eat I am conscious of how the food I just ate made me feel.
Avocado makes me feel wonderful
Pancakes make me feel terrible
Apples make me feel great
Sugar makes my nerve ends soft and mushy and I don't connect with spirit as well.
This is also true with cheeses they make me feel cloudy.
Be aware of your food and the feeling you get right after you eat it.
Oranges make me feel bright, as do blueberries.
I tell all my food that I love it and appreciate its gifts. I also thank Gaia for the gift of the food.

I Love Me. I love the heart and soul of me.
I see I am a being in the process of becoming more, and I give thanks for being aware of this process and for being able to share it with you.
Thank you.
If ever I feel weak, I pray for strength. If ever I doubt myself I send me love. I try to stay busy as this is always helpful.
Most importantly I will never ever give up on me. I have faith in my ability to be my best self. I also believe in you. You are worthy and kind and you too have this ability.
Peace, Love and Enlightenment


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