Seven Target Zones

Seven Target Zones
By Kay Noble
You will hear about chakra and the Seven Seals, well I would invite you to consider this. Why are they mentioned in Eastern and Western spiritual practices?
I think that these seals, or chakra have indeed been targeted by those who would keep you in the dark. Let me share with you how I came to this theory.
When I woke up, I began to realize many things that I had been asleep to before. One of these things is that society and businesses have targeted the chakra or seals. Let’s look.

1.   Root Chakra- this is the place of grounding, survival, stability and manifestation in the material world. How is it attacked? Shoes prevent grounding. Your survival and stability are in question if you don’t get paid enough or regularly. ( look at the federal employees)
2.   Sacral Chakra- this is the place of emotions, relationships, sexuality and self-worth. Creativity and empathy. How is this targeted? Magazines, advertising and television constantly bombard you with the messages that you are not good enough, and that if you buy their product you will be magically transformed. LOL. We are no longer taught art class in most schools and this is a major attack on creativity. Empathy is not encouraged for the most part in our men. Look at our president.
3.   Solar Plexus- this is the place of personal power, will, energy, metabolism, effectiveness, self-esteem, social identity and happiness. How is this targeted? Bad News hits you here, stop and notice next time you read or get some bad news. How do you feel after you get it? Not like winning a race no doubt. When you don’t practice self-love and truly love you for the wonderful being that you are these tiny darts may find their mark.
4.   Heart Chakra- this is the place of Love and Understanding of trust, openness, compassion, balance and forgiveness. How is this area targeted? Lack of Self Love, to love others we must love ourselves first. Lying, closes us. We lie because others are using their filters to look at us. Because we want to please them, (usually someone we care about) we lie to please them, instead of sharing with this person with tunnel vision. Compassion is an act of love and empathy. When we forgive everyone and self, we gain balance. Compassion for self is as important as forgiveness of others.
5.   Throat Chakra- Communication, Sound, Vibration, Self-Expression, listening, speaking and writing. How are these areas targeted? Angry Words, Smoking, Alcohol any vibrations not made from love. Sugar, and unhealthy choices effect this area.
6.   Third Eye- here lives psychic ability, channeling, telepathy, astral travel, visions, connections to God or Higher self.  How is this area targeted? Parts of the Words of Jesus describing how to look within were left out of the bible. (The lost Gospel of Thomas) look online or library. Opening of the third eye requires an effort on your part. You must pray, forgive, send love, pray more, forgive more and send more love. Love all things and realize that you are a part of All things. Awareness of ALL. You must eat well. Avoid contaminates like fluoride and chlorine. White flour and SUGAR.
7.   Crown Chakra-This is Universal Consciousness, All Knowing, Cosmic Connections, The God Source, Enlightenment, Gateway to other dimensions ( good thing your sending them prayers .) This is where the blessings of internet get in the way. We must use our intelligence. If you’re not using your internet turn it off. Do not have your phone by your head at night. If you do put it on airplane mode. Energy is in the air, like God it is there whether you can conceive it or not.
If the seven seals are indeed the seven chakra you must be aware of them, look within for the guidance you seek, and seek until you find it!
Until you are pure and full of perfect love for ALL, you cannot maintain constant connection with God
God is The Source
You are a soul container here to carry soul in physical form so soul can have experiences that mature the soul
Soul is Gods Awareness in you
Part of God

YOU must complete this mission
Your mission is to live at highest possible self
Love is wishing highest possible self for all beings
Love each other with eyes and ears closed
Help earth
Help each other
Make each other laugh and smile
Spread joy
Pray for love for all in all
Understand we are all One
We are all part of all things as God is in ALL
To raise your vibration
Pray constantly
Pray for Peace, Love and Enlightenment
For all beings, thru all space and time and
In all dimensions, and see your prayer realized.

Eat fruit and veggies that are not contaminated or
Better yet grow your own food
Learn to meditate, to get in touch with GOD
Be conscious about your footprint
Stop polluting self&Water

Because you are a part of God you are capable of miraculous things 


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