How Forgiveness Works
by Kay Noble
A hot air balloon can not sail in the current when it is weighted down by bags of sand.
Just as your soul cant travel freely with a lot of baggage.
This is where forgiveness comes in.
Because God is the source of your awareness, God, is aware of you. At the atomic level,God is aware of you. It should be our mission then to open a means of effective communication between us and God.
How forgiving works
Picture yourself as a collapsible container. At present full of every experience you have ever had in your life. The ones you have told others about and the ones that you have not.
(Its ok to have all of these experiences they are all the cumulative events that have molded you into what you are today. )
We are a vessel FULL of experiences. WE have to change the vessel to a vessel of positive ions.
In order to make a space for these positive ions were going to get rid of some unwanted negative ions.
First, we have to start forgiving everyone and everything, especially ourselves!
Then we have to refill the empty space we've made by filling it up with love. We refill the space with positive vibrations or thoughts. By doing this we effectively heal the wound that has been most painful.
Now if ever this thought comes to us again we can look upon it as a souls experience and send it love
and you may even find yourself smirking or giggling as this no longer has any power over you!
What does this look like?
Lets say I had an experience of being raped. I never told anyone about it. That event would have festered and will continue to do so consciously or unconsciously. This or anything we hold on to will literally hold you down and close the communication channel.
1 . FORGIVE THEM Totally and completely.
Forgive them for the experience.
Send them perfect love.
Fill that space that is now empty with love.
If you think of it ever again repeat this sending it love.
Reap the rewards. By doing this for each and every thing you're holding on to you will notice that your connection with God grows and all that goes with it!
Forgiveness is an act of power!
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