by Kay Noble
You make vibrations. If you doubt this, place a cup of water on the floor and walk around it.
Those vibrations can do many things. They carry sound and energy that we can feel and see.
When we are full of Love we create positive energy. It comes into contact with anything in our proximity. Hence getting a static shock when the air is dry. One of the ways make energy by walking across a surface with a different vibration than your own. Even if we do not produce static electric energy sparks you can be assured that this precious energy is there. We have not given this form of personal energy any attention.
Lets change that. Starting today lets heighten our awareness of our energetic footprint. They say that all change starts by making a first step, lets.
is an opportunity for you to make and gather positive energy. The earth is your energy source. When you put love and energy together what do you think happens? When you put peace and energy together?
I can tell you what will happen. You will start to effect change and in a positive way that you will be able to see.
Oh, this is the very best part, you do not have to spend money! You don't have to do anything except be conscious of your own steps. Do this. Each and every step you take utter the word Love. Either out loud or to yourself ( I scream silently) be aware of your personal power to make this feeling a reality.
My power walk looks like this
Right foot:Peace, in my mind I imagine what peace looks like, smells like and sounds like.
Left foot:Love, again I see what it looks like, for me all people and beings working together. What it smells like. For me it smells like fresh air, and it sounds joyful to me. What does love sound like to you.
Holding these 3 dimensional thoughts of what your prayer is realized gives it so much more power. Try it.
God is in you. He has given you the ability to walk and make vibrations. Be responsible and make every step you take a positive one. Reap what you sow.
Peace, Love and Enlightenment
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