The 5th Dimension

The fifth dimensional you is a whole new you. You have been working hard on yourself. You have forgiven the past and sent it love and let it go.
You have let go of EGO and no longer use FILTERS. Now when you look at others you see yourself in them. You are able to follow your inner knowing and you trust and LOVE yourself. Congratulations. I am so happy for you.
The Possibilities are now endless. You can make your own reality. Using your intentions and the energy around you, in you and below you, now you can do wonderful things. Being a part of the All is wonderful. If you are like me you feel like you have a message to share for the good of all beings from the smallest to the largest. We are all one. This is how we are able to create our reality, we visualize it, we feel it, we become aware of it around us. We breath deeply and hold it in us. We wrap it with loving intent and breathe it out into the universe. We release it and know it will be.
The work in this blog is all about getting to this point.
Please enjoy the journey.


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