Energy Awareness
Awareness of Energy by Kay Noble Perception is our interpretation of something that interacts with our senses, and how we conceive it. The dictionary says Perception per·cep·tion [pərˈsepSH(ə)n] noun the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. Try this The next time you are in a tub, pool or ocean. Lower your hand into the water and perceive how it changes as it enters the water. Next lower your head to the level of the water and repeat the process. Your hand has now disappeared. It is still there, only your perception of it has changed. This is what we must do with energy, we must perceive it from another point of view or with another sense. This awareness of something proves to us physically of its existence. Energy can be felt, mostly unseen. Energy is a naturally occurring force. The formation of energy is the direct result of two or more forces interacting Energy is flowing through us at all times. ...