
Energy Awareness

Awareness of Energy by Kay Noble Perception is our interpretation of something that interacts with our senses, and how we conceive it. The dictionary says Perception per·cep·tion [pərˈsepSH(ə)n] noun the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. Try this The next time you are in a tub, pool or ocean. Lower your hand into the water and perceive how it changes as it enters the water. Next lower your head to the level of the water and repeat the process. Your hand has now disappeared. It is still there, only your perception of it has changed. This is what we must do with energy, we must perceive it from another point of view or with another sense. This awareness of something proves to us physically of its existence. Energy can be felt, mostly unseen. Energy is a naturally occurring force. The formation of energy is the direct result of two or more forces interacting Energy is flowing through us at all times. ...


Peace, Love and Enlightenment For all beings through all space and time and in all dimensions. This prayer tells us we are not alone. Here is a message from Standing Elk who is a real native leader. I thought you might like to read it.  SASQUATCH MESSAGE Shared by Standing Elk: who interacted with the being Sasquatchitan. I am Chief of Sasquatchi People . You may think we are hairy and have big feet. Really this is not so. I come to speak to you because soon, our people will come to you again. The reason we had to leave the community of human beings is because of their loss of this innocence, truth, and purity. For our race and the Laws of our race are based upon these three. All true Star Nations practice innocence, truth and purity . Our people did not want to leave the human beings. This is why you have seen us here and there. Your grandfathers and grandmothers who have grown through what you call “years” usually are those who have seen us, ...

University of Salzburg in Austria.

 I received this email from they are so good at sending you up to date news and information. They are also a great source for the highest quality grounding materials like wrist bands, pads and throws.  For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, grounding offers major benefits.   Over the years, researchers have found that grounding lessens the duration and intensity of muscle soreness that occurs after intense exercise and training. Muscle damage is reduced.   Inflammation and pain reduced.   Recovery is accelerated. A new study confirming this effect has just been published by sports scientists at the University of Salzburg in Austria.   They concluded that grounding may represent a "simple methodology to enhance" both short and long-term recovery after intensive training or competition.   Perhaps the first effective method for doing so! To read the study, click here .   To read more about grounding, sports and exe...

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision by Kay Noble What is it? We start out with a full wide view of the world. Happy in it. Then as we mature in life we put on many filters. ( For more info see Filters ) After we get used to wearing these filters soon, we are no longer aware that they are there and their influences in our lives.   We no longer seem to be aware that there are other views or that they matter.   This is Tunnel Vision. From here you can easily slip into a place of judgement if you do not remove your filters. Filters are not one sided and this can lead to a terrible breakdown in relationships with all in our lives. Become aware. When we get Tunnel Vision, we may not realize it, rest assured others will. If they love you, they will help you see these filters in a kind and loving way. We need to accept that we are LEARNING and we all learn at a different pace. We all need to apply effort in making ourselves better beings. Peace Love and Enlightenment for all in all...

Seven Target Zones

Seven Target Zones By Kay Noble You will hear about chakra and the Seven Seals, well I would invite you to consider this. Why are they mentioned in Eastern and Western spiritual practices? I think that these seals, or chakra have indeed been targeted by those who would keep you in the dark. Let me share with you how I came to this theory. When I woke up, I began to realize many things that I had been asleep to before. One of these things is that society and businesses have targeted the chakra or seals. Let’s look. 1.    Root Chakra- this is the place of grounding, survival, stability and manifestation in the material world. How is it attacked? Shoes prevent grounding. Your survival and stability are in question if you don’t get paid enough or regularly. ( look at the federal employees) 2.    Sacral Chakra- this is the place of emotions, relationships, sexuality and self-worth. Creativity and empathy. How is this targeted? Magazines, advertising and te...


by Kay Noble You make vibrations. If you doubt this, place a cup of water on the floor and walk around it. Those vibrations can do many things. They carry sound and energy that we can feel and see. When we are full of Love we create positive energy. It comes into contact with anything in our proximity. Hence getting a static shock when the air is dry. One of the ways make energy by walking across a surface with a different vibration than your own. Even if we do not produce static electric energy sparks you can be assured that this precious energy is there. We have not given this form of personal energy any attention. Lets change that. Starting today lets heighten our awareness of our energetic footprint. They say that all change starts by making a first step, lets. EVERY STEP YOU TAKE  is an opportunity for you to make and gather positive energy. The earth is your energy source. When you put love and energy together what do you think happens? When you put peace and energ...

The Lost Gospel of Thomas

Something is Missing That was the feeling in my guts. Id done all the work. Got saved, believed. Still there was something missing.   It was an instinct.  Recently I have discovered There was a message that Jesus brought to us that was however innocently left out of the bible. This was the Gospel of Thomas. In this book of the bible Jesus tells us directly how to get into contact with GOD. As I read this text I began to tingle and weep because the words of Jesus are so very clear. Not only do they tell us who Jesus is but what his mission was. He answered many questions in this book that were important to our spiritual development. Instead of accusing an unknown force( SATAN ) for withholding this information  I will provide a link. Please read it and LOOK INSIDE like Christ himself tells us to do. The Gospel of Thomas