What kind of light?
💙 What kind of light are you?
By Kay Noble
Copyright © 2021
How is it that you share the knowledge and wisdom that you’ve gathered to you to help heal your self or others?
- Do you lift others up with your vibration?
- Is your presence felt by others?
- Do others turn to you for guidance or tell you that you have been Inspirational in their life somehow?
- Are you in search of teaching and wisdom so that you can heal others?
- Has your life been seeking of this kind of wisdom?
- Do you feel wonderful from the result of helping others?
- Have you grown in balance and energetic responsibility so that you can help others for their highest and greatest good while maintaining your own?
Energetic responsibility is key when healing others or ourselves it is key to understanding the reasons a person may need healed in the first place. Seeing yourself in others many times, means that you have had a very experience that they are going through and in this way you can shed light. The most important thing that you can teach someone is the proper way to process energy for their highest greatest good.
When we are writing things down in our journal we are magnetically locking this into our energetic records, I encourage you to journal. There is a greater understanding about energy and the best thing you can do is be an allowance to learn a whole New set of energetic principles and abilities for your highest greatest good. It is your right to become aware to accept the responsibility and to command your energy.
Our energetic awareness expands in levels much like a child going through school, however many times much more rapid ascension through the levels as it is an equal energetic exchange, that what you put in you receive back. Some are more motivated to seek information and therefore growth. Some are waiting for the right time for them and that is wonderful to be an allowance of that. Wherever you are upon your spiritual path know that it is a perfect place for you.
Start with healing yourself be your own counselor seek guidance from other healers and other counselors jot down in your journal your experience, what worked for you and what did not. Be honest. What you share it’s part of your growth. Grow beautifully.
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