Energy Exchange

 By Kay Noble

Copyright © 2021
Energy is a Valuable commodity to you, it is your source of all that you are, it is also aware of what you are aligning to. That is your energetic bodies are always resonating and you can feel the resonance of others. It is for your own highest good to make the alignments that are best for the collective that you are. (Your higher self )

Energy forms into collectives as a part of a flow because energy is conscious and aware. This is a collective, formed of like frequency vibrational or energetic beings upon a journey for the Soul ( Source Organic Universal Light) It is for the highest good of all that there is and so it is. Energy has flow, and form. Look at the structural designs in ancient architecture and even the natural shapes that form here on our planet, because of their own interaction with the energies gathered and experienced in a physical way. This is in accordance with the energetic/ exchange laws of how energy will interact in a matrix construct with these varied values or the beings here on the playing field. There are infinite possibilities available as the code is programmable by the User or You.

As the person on deck, or the gatherer of data(god) it is your duty to learn and experience and to turn negative experiences into positive lessons putting the learned lesson after integration into the teaching or sharing category. Through sharing of the experience of the lesson with others you are, adding to the infinite possible experiences available as outcomes of this experience in the Source stream data.
This is service to others in a basic and beautiful energetic flow of data.
You have had an experience and have communicated a valuable teaching from it. Through the learning you have now integrated the wisdom on how to avoid this event or to better control the energetic influence in the future.
In the collective consciousness construct, this is the highest path to learning and sharing for the highest good of all the beings.

“What amount of exchange for the energy interactions you seek is equal to the interaction that you receive.” There is a beautiful expression shared by Quan Yin..” The value of energy is the frequency of Love felt in the heart and the alignment with our family.”
Your family knows the value of Energy, they are Energy” You are learning the value of energy. You are learning that you are the creator of energy and that you are responsible for it as that creator. Acceptance of your energetic responsibility is key to your spiritual growth.
Practice service to self (Self Love) and others in your actions, words, thoughts and deeds. Align to the Responsibility of being an energetic creator. Be aware of the energy of your words and deeds upon others. You are resonating energy. Use energy responsibly.


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