Everything you need is found within.
You are the key, you hold the light. Self love is an amazing tool in your growth.
Loving you is to Love the God Light that is in you. How you treat you shows your higher self that you’re aware and sending love to all of you.
Self love is more than physical expression it is a thought and a feeling.
When you look in a mirror do you smile at the reflection you see?
You are light, anything negative you feel is a response to a program you are running. These are your lessons to overcome and release on your way back to the truth that you are LIGHT.
Is it time to release that program?
Have you learned a lesson? Your awareness of the lesson or your learning is a type of ascension, you are getting better. Your vibrations are rising all around you will also raise as we all react to vibrations.
If you see it, acknowledge it and send it light, expressing gratitude and let it go!
This means with your awareness and love. ” I see that I did this, and it caused THIS to happen as a result. I choose to operate at a higher vibration and next time I will.” This lesson has taught you and for that we express gratitude. Maybe the lesson was painful, but it was still an experience given to teach you. “ I am in gratitude that lesson has taught me, I see it, I feel it, and I release the energy of low vibrations attached and keep the lesson.” This is the moment when we are consciously raising our energetic vibrations by releasing lower ones.
When we experience reoccurring issues this is usually a lesson that we have overlooked. When you find yourself in loops or replaying the same old scenario, look for the missed lesson or the missed letting go. It is a process and a way of being energetically responsible.
You are light and you are growing and changing each day. Change is growth and perfect.
Be gentle with you as you learn lessons and release them.
Others are going through the same lessons, in different ways. Can you see your experiences when looking at others? Allow self and others to learn and integrate their lessons perfectly for them. This is also a lesson!
Allow others to move through their lessons, as you have moved through your own. Remain humbly in allowance.
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