
Showing posts from March, 2019

Wake up to Breakfast

Start your day with 16 oz of water Then add either Apple sauce or an avocado Later try scrambled eggs or some oatmeal. Do not consume your breakfast all at once as this overwhelms the body and if you eat to much it can actually make you feel bad. Food is an energy source for you. It is a way of telling your body that you love you. You need to establish a trust with yourself. Does your body trust you? Ask yourself this. Quiet yourself and ask and be honest with the response that you get. Ill tell you what I got when I did this. Heck NO I do not trust you. You have eaten poorly, you have made so many bad choices about what foods you eat and why! You have become sick from eating poorly. You have not earned my trust. So then I had to say , I'm sorry. Please forgive me body. I do want to do the right things and make the right choices. I love you. I love you. Please work with me and help me. I started eating healthier by making good choices one at a time. I didn't try...

A Whole New You

Did you know that once a year we are made new simply by shedding away our old exteriors? So let us consider this when we are facing personal changes and challenges. When we start to awaken one of the first things that happens is that we want to be the best self we can be. This means leaving behind the things that no longer serve our highest self. This is how it has been for me. I asked for help to transform myself into the new, healthy me I held that thought and I activated it. It was not an overnight process it takes time. You must be gentle with yourself when you undergo change. Change is hard as we have a tendency to prop ourselves up on our habits. For example if you smoke, drink, eat poorly chances are that you do this especially when you are alone with your thoughts. It is a distraction from yourself, this habit. If you do not look inside you will miss this fact and probably keep the habit. This isnt easy to hear like many things I say, they still need to be said. I must h...


Love is the single most powerful creation energy that you control.  Love is a manifestation of an energy form and can be turned into a physical form for expression. Wrap your head around that. Loving yourself is the single most powerful act you can perform. Loving another is the single most powerful energy you can give away. To Love someone is to wish them to reach highest self To Hold Universal love is to wish highest self for ALL. God is LOVE. You are LOVE. Embrace this wonderful fact.

Working on You

March can be a difficult month to get through, especially if your in a northern climate. Work on yourself. You can do this in so many ways there are literally to many to count but here are a few ideas. Resolve feelings- if you have been putting off setting things straight, now is the time. Let people know how you feel, stand in your truth and be ok with it. Things might not go as you would have them but let go of all the feelings of animosity and hurt. Just let them go if they are repeat offenders and you will be better for it. Practice Self Love- Tell yourself I love You. Mean it. It is so self healing this simple 3 word sentence will rock your world. Get a routine- Wake and think, sit quietly after you wake in the morning just listen and see what thoughts pop in your head. Dont subject yourself to PROGRAMMING. This is what it is.THAT is WHY they call it PROGRAMMING. This way no laws are broken. Use your HEART- Don't do what they are doing without asking yourself why am I d...

Your Life is Your Meditation

You are worthy.  We need to constantly be aware that we are indeed special and we need to honor ourselves this way. By making our life walk our meditation we are no longer having to set aside a special time of day for ourselves to make good choices. Instead we are making good choices always. Honor yourself as a sacred being that you treat with Love. If you honor yourself you will be moving toward your highest self. Be the Light in the Room. Be the you that shines. Be Love. Make a special ceremony that honors self. Use your imagination. Here is one of mine but make your own. Good Morning I am thankful for my breath and for this day I am thankful for my place in this existence I am love light I do stretching and AH meditation Then shields to up my vibrations and I start with a nice bath. I love the water and I tell it. I love you water. I love the water in me. Heal me and carry my love to the sea. Then I have a great day. This is just one way. Make it your special way. Th...

Your Daily DO

Try this Print it out or copy and paste or whatever as long as you do it, Say it and Mean It! Try this looking in the mirror. I Love you  ( Your Name Here)! I love you! You embody love. I am proud to be you! You are good in thought and deed You are kind to all creatures, Earth and the Universe You are worthy of blessings I forgive you your shortfalls and send you love as you choose to improve self daily. One choice, one step and one day at a time. I am one with ALL. I love you. Peace, Love and Light

The Sunny Side

Stay on the positive side of things folks. It may be difficult at first, but then most worthwhile things are difficult. Actually change itself is the most difficult part of any new efforts you will make. When anyone meets me in public they see my smile and hear my positive attitude and feel my positive vibe. They say wow, you are brite! Thank you !!! I give hugs and say positive things! If we stay always on the positive side of things we can shift the energy of negative people around us. Some folks are negative because its the way they have learned to be. Therefore they can unlearn it as well. How did they learn to be negative? By example. How will they learn to be positive? BY EXAMPLE! Your example. Be a leader.

Social Acceptance

It can be difficult to wake up before the rest of the people you socialize with. You may be looked upon as strange or different. THIS is the social programming I was talking about. If they make fun of you then they do not have to look inside themselves and see where there own problems are. Instead they are resistant. There is nothing you can do for these dear folks that you love so very much. We can only pray for them and send them love. You are responsible for you. Educate yourself and be ready to support your friends and family when it is time for them to awaken. There is a time and a place for every purpose under heaven. Believe those words. Practice makes perfect. Pray constantly.

Dietary Changes after Waking

I am noticing so many changes in me as I go through this awakening process. One thing I noticed right away was that my diet was changing. Suddenly I could not eat Red Meat like STEAK! This was a big thing. I loved beef. I loved bloody beef,  The day after my eye was opened we were going to grill a steak for dinner. My mouth watered as I cut the rib eye and got the bloody bite on my fork. As it entered my mouth something very strange happened. The taste was not the familiar one but instead it tasted of burning IRON. It burned my mouth and I was forced to spit it out. I thought the expensive steak had gone bad. My husband had a bite and assured me that it was perfection. After some research into my new state of being I realized that it was normal to have these changes. I can tell you only what has happened to me. This was my experience. Let me add that I can also no longer enjoy SO many foods that I previously enjoyed. Mostly MEAT is Out but I can still have eggs. Sadly Macaroni ...

Sending Earth Love

How can you tell the Earth You Love Her? You do love her? It is the Earth who provides your every need. Right down to the vibrations you need to stay alive.  Your planet provides you with a place to live and all of the air and food you need.  Bless her. Don't pollute her, recycle, reuse and repeat. When you ground and that should be daily, tell her you love her and THANK YOU.  Send her your good vibes. Each step you take could be sending her vibrations of love and peace. Its up to you to show your Earth Mother you love her. When we show love for another being we are raising our own vibration. Dear friend you cannot loose. Peace.

Bringing Solar Energy Down

I am just bouncing around this house today and I will tell you why. I have learned a new skill. How to bring Solar or Universal Energy down into you. Its very simple. Standing or sitting. Pull earths energy to your waist by visualizing a golden coil coming up from Earth and wrapping itself around you. Next visualize a white strong waterfall pouring its beautiful white energy into the top of your head. It fills your feet and then all the way to your head. This is incredible energy and you will be running around like me. Enjoy.


A Tag can be Placed on You through no fault of your own . This weekend my husband and I went into town to a tiny shop and it was full of folks and the general mood was good. There was a person sitting in a chair there however that made me feel bad. I didn't say anything because I had no reason to. We made our purchases and went home. As we got closer to home I noticed I had a very bad feeling. Almost like someone had done something wrong to me. I sat down and looked within and soon found the answer. The man who had been sitting in the store had placed a tag on me. He had bad thoughts which he attached to me. I took them home. I am a Spiritual Intuitive I was able to look inside and find exactly who, what and when this was attached. Lucky me. The next thing I did was cleanse myself with energy. I visualized a golden spring of energy coming out of the earth and wrapping itself around me and pulsing earths gentle energy around me like a bright warm hug! It absolutely worked. I...

Keeping the Channel Open

One of the biggest hurdles newly awakened souls find is keeping in contact with our inner God self. God is in all. Being awake to this fact can allow you access to these things because we are all ONE. Here are a few helpful ways to keep that channel open. Constant Prayer-  In your mind while you do all the little things that you do all day, keep a constant prayer going. This is the back channel where God speaks to me and you. That channel is your subconscious line in. Make positive choices- one at a time Learn to see yourself in others, and send them love. Practice Taking Power from Painful situations. Reach out to others who are also waking up. Form support groups and encourage others. Work on Raising your vibrations, by making choices for Peace. Love and Enlightenment. Grounding, walk on Earth, swim in the ocean, bury yourself in the sand. Soak up sunshine, do get sun in your eyes. Love Each Other Remember your not alone. Its easy to feel alone, especially when w...