
Showing posts from January, 2019

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision by Kay Noble What is it? We start out with a full wide view of the world. Happy in it. Then as we mature in life we put on many filters. ( For more info see Filters ) After we get used to wearing these filters soon, we are no longer aware that they are there and their influences in our lives.   We no longer seem to be aware that there are other views or that they matter.   This is Tunnel Vision. From here you can easily slip into a place of judgement if you do not remove your filters. Filters are not one sided and this can lead to a terrible breakdown in relationships with all in our lives. Become aware. When we get Tunnel Vision, we may not realize it, rest assured others will. If they love you, they will help you see these filters in a kind and loving way. We need to accept that we are LEARNING and we all learn at a different pace. We all need to apply effort in making ourselves better beings. Peace Love and Enlightenment for all in all...

Seven Target Zones

Seven Target Zones By Kay Noble You will hear about chakra and the Seven Seals, well I would invite you to consider this. Why are they mentioned in Eastern and Western spiritual practices? I think that these seals, or chakra have indeed been targeted by those who would keep you in the dark. Let me share with you how I came to this theory. When I woke up, I began to realize many things that I had been asleep to before. One of these things is that society and businesses have targeted the chakra or seals. Let’s look. 1.    Root Chakra- this is the place of grounding, survival, stability and manifestation in the material world. How is it attacked? Shoes prevent grounding. Your survival and stability are in question if you don’t get paid enough or regularly. ( look at the federal employees) 2.    Sacral Chakra- this is the place of emotions, relationships, sexuality and self-worth. Creativity and empathy. How is this targeted? Magazines, advertising and te...


by Kay Noble You make vibrations. If you doubt this, place a cup of water on the floor and walk around it. Those vibrations can do many things. They carry sound and energy that we can feel and see. When we are full of Love we create positive energy. It comes into contact with anything in our proximity. Hence getting a static shock when the air is dry. One of the ways make energy by walking across a surface with a different vibration than your own. Even if we do not produce static electric energy sparks you can be assured that this precious energy is there. We have not given this form of personal energy any attention. Lets change that. Starting today lets heighten our awareness of our energetic footprint. They say that all change starts by making a first step, lets. EVERY STEP YOU TAKE  is an opportunity for you to make and gather positive energy. The earth is your energy source. When you put love and energy together what do you think happens? When you put peace and energ...

The Lost Gospel of Thomas

Something is Missing That was the feeling in my guts. Id done all the work. Got saved, believed. Still there was something missing.   It was an instinct.  Recently I have discovered There was a message that Jesus brought to us that was however innocently left out of the bible. This was the Gospel of Thomas. In this book of the bible Jesus tells us directly how to get into contact with GOD. As I read this text I began to tingle and weep because the words of Jesus are so very clear. Not only do they tell us who Jesus is but what his mission was. He answered many questions in this book that were important to our spiritual development. Instead of accusing an unknown force( SATAN ) for withholding this information  I will provide a link. Please read it and LOOK INSIDE like Christ himself tells us to do. The Gospel of Thomas

Free Energy

Mother Earth by Kay Nobl e There are sources of Free Energy for you to tap into on the Earth. Some are stronger than others but the earth is always putting forth a healing, healthy current for us to absorb. Unfortunately, we invented shoes, breaking the most sacred connection that we shared with the earth. Much like the giant fungus that covers most of the North West America. This gigantic spore is aware at both ends. The beings that are always in contact with the earth are aware of her energies and the influence of others upon it. That doesn't really surprise me too much. When scientist split a photon particle back in 1997 they used fiber optic lines each 7 miles long. One 1/2 of the particle sent to the end of each line. Scientist were indeed surprised to see that what they did to one half of the particle that the other particle seemed to react to although it was physically 14 miles away. This particle was AWARE We are aware my friends on the atomic level. It is ju...

Heart and Mind Link

How to link heart and mind Sit quietly Fill yourself with loving thoughts for self. Know you are Love. Join me as I guide you in a short meditation to join forever your heart and mind.  Your heart and mind should work together in balance always for highest self. The process is simple. (physically tap the sternum bone on your chest.) This will draw your awareness to this area. Allow your awareness to center here. Send love to this area, send compassion and healing pink and green energy. In your imagination See a beautiful flow of energy looping around your heart and crown chakra. See this beautiful pink energy forming a continuous flow of energy that is everlasting.  Agree that you are establishing a connection that is strong and will continue to be so. That this connection will continue to channel love and healing, to your heart and then to all your organs and muscles and bones. Visualize them glowing in pink healthy love. Imagine this beautiful pink glo...


Do you ever wonder why it is that you only see one side of our moon? Because it is in a locked rotational orbit? Hum? I was just giving this theory a little thought. If this is true it is not a natural occurrence which would mean it is a placed object. Moon Phases Are simply put the light of the sun blocked by the earth on its way to the moon. The size and shape of the moon do not change. That then makes me wonder.... About the Suns light, because this would lead me to think that the amount of light that reaches the moon directly effects the magnetic pull on the earth and therefore effects us and the tides? Higher tides with full moonlight. check your tidal charts So is the moon a solar powered magnet working in polarity with the Earth to make it possible to have tidal currents and therefore life?  I am just a writer putting forth a point to ponder.


Bad News by Kay Noble Bad News By Kay Noble You have just watched the news and it has made you feel terrible.  This is a very good opportunity for you to look inside. Notice how this story makes you feel in your Chakra Zones! This News Cast has caused a negative ionic production. Meant to get a rise out of you and it worked.  So, what to do?   It’s good to have news, be aware of the effect that it has on your soul. That little bit of negativity held in you, will multiply by the end of the day, simply by being aware of it. When we focus upon something it activates it. In this instance we have focused upon negativity. Let us ask the Angels for help. Here is what I do. Angels I do not wish to feel this way.   Please remove this feeling from me as it no longer serves me. To the source of your pain say, I forgive you.  I send you Peace!  I send you Ultimate Love  I send you Enlightenment I AM love light I AM PEACE I a...


What is a Filter? by Kay Noble A small child is playing outside and he is having a wonderful time. Along comes an unhappy cat and this cat acts unreasonably and attacks the boy. This experience with the Cat has created a FILTER. A filter is a learned response to protect self from new or different experiences. Throughout history Filters have kept us alive. We learned quickly how to survive in our environment because of our ability to apply filters and boundaries. However, because filters have been so beneficial to us in the past does not mean that they are appropriate in every situation. Life and Death are one thing but when we apply filters for the wrong reasons (not for survival or safety) then they begin to separate us. You probably have filters without realizing it, that shape how you feel about people and or your surroundings What is your first thought when I say; kindness sexuality physical disabilities religion autistic alcoholic Ethnic  Social ...


EGO is our concern over what others think about us. When we practice the ultimate love, we close our eyes and our ears which are the great perceivers for EGO. Now instead of letting these great deceivers give us information, we will instead use our soul and our hearts to see. My definition of ultimate love is wishing All things to achieve their highest possible self. Being aware that in every situation we bring into it our ego and its predetermined evaluations (filters)which may not truly represent a situation or its highest possibilities, which we all strive for. Learning to see with our third eye is in effect learning to see without an ego or filters.( In effect learning to see without your eyes and ears)   Achievement of highest self is to sustain the ability to see without ego or filters, one’s true self or the truth one finds self experiencing. Peace, Love and Enlightenment

Waking Fear?

Recently I was confronted by someone who stated "Why would I want to read something like this that has no Proof?" I didn't want to direct a response online to this person, I am here to promote peace, love and enlightenment not ridicule. I instead am putting a response here.  You do not need proof that you exist do you? You know inside there is more, you feel it.  Do you not trust yourself?  Maybe the question directed at me should have been, "Why do I feel the need to resist looking inside myself?"  I can only deduce that the programming that we are subjected to all our lives from birth until now has brought us to this very moment. Every opinion that we have developed on all things presented to us up to this point. I ask you the all knowing, decision making you, to look inside yourself.  What are you afraid of? Waking up is scary for some, why? Because it is new. It triggers the fight or flight reflex. I am giggling as I write this because of two ...

How Forgiveness Works

by Kay Noble A hot air balloon can not sail in the current when it is weighted down by bags of sand. Just as your soul cant travel freely with a lot of baggage. This is where forgiveness comes in. Because God is the source of your awareness, God, is aware of you. At the atomic level,God is aware of you. It should be our mission then to open a means of effective communication between us and God. How forgiving works Picture yourself as a collapsible container. At present full of every experience you have ever had in your life. The ones you have told others about and the ones that you have not. (Its ok to have all of these experiences they are all the cumulative events that have molded you into what you are today. ) We are a vessel FULL of experiences. WE have to change the vessel to a vessel of positive ions. In order to make a space for these positive ions were going to get rid of some unwanted negative ions. First, we have to start forgiving everyone and everything, especi...

Animal Friends

by Kay Noble My baby Diamond  by Kay Noble Animal Fiends Today lets consider our animal friends. Not only do they live in our home and fill our hearts with joy and sometimes worry just like children we've learned to stop listening to the little things.  What would happen if we started with building an open channel of listening ? You've got to remember your pet is not accustomed to you listening to them on this level ☺  and just as it will take you some time and practice to learn to communicate on a spiritual level with your animal friends it will take them sometime to learn to listen to you. If you have a strong trusting relationship with your animal you already I communicating on some level without realizing you'll know when its time to give your dog water or when the dog wants to go out without without actually scratching at the door barking Or other means of physical communication be aware of What made you feel or sense awareness that your friend wanted to...

The Power of the Drum

by Kay Noble  copyright 2018 A drum or a rattle can be many things but in a spiritual teachers hands you can move you to your core The teacher will be given a journey to share with the listener This lesson or healing can be requested or given as needed I.e., a potlatch is often a healing a group when drums play for dancers. Everything must be given requested and received and then shared with ultimate love this way the drum beat is unifying and magical and is doing a service for the spirit! Many drummers cannot recall how to even play the drum without the group of people around them.  That is because spirit is talking when they are playing. This was probably a mark of the medicine Man or healer being able to receive or be in touch with this synergy. My own husband is this way he knows no songs and no beats and no tunes until he picks the drum up  at a potlatch and then he knows all songs all beats it is truly magical. Sadness of a group that is need of healing...

What is Love?

I Love You Love is wanting the highest possible self for another person. Seems simple enough. I want you to hold this thought. Can you say that you love yourself? If you can great, let’s move forward. If you can’t that’s ok too, you just have to do a little work first. There are many teachers who are effective at pinpointing issues and one of my Favorites is Ms Teal Swan, I recommend you work with her to be able to practice self love. When you can do that come back and pick up with me. Check this lady out


Your spiritual growth like any being requires love and attention. I am inviting you to tend your spirit. Seek until you find. I pray for Peace,Love and Enlightenment For all beings Through all space and time And in all dimensions For all, in all, in all