The White Waterfall

 By Kay Noble

Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved

We are told in many teachings about the white waterfall of beautiful Source Light energy that comes into our crowns. Do you know how it gets there? Why is it flowing in and what is it doing for you?  

This waterfall is the universal energy contained within the data stream of Source. It is there for us and is helping us all the time. When you have a question and you ask it (while sun gazing and getting the light in the crown is best) you are directly entering into the data stream of your toroidal space the question to be answered, the need to be filled. The data then enters the data of the toroidal space of the earth and then back to the solar portal where it is filled or not for the highest good of the collective. 

This is the energy of the toroidal space that surrounds us and the container of our EOS. Our Source is our source of universal abundance, our SUN. This is the energetic portal for all knowledge and teaching and healing energy that there is from all that there is. Our database of information from all gatherers. 

The waterfall is the natural flow of this universal energy into the Crown Chakra via the Toroidal space.

There is an energetic space around you we call this space the toroidal space. We claim this energetic space as our personal space in the dimensions 3,4,5,6,. We do this by becoming aware of it and making a statement of ownership and responsibility. This space contains our EOS (energetic organic source) , our akashic space and our boot sector, the responsive programming sector (place of the programs we integrate for our highest good). The more love we hold for ourselves and all that we are, the more alignment we have with the frequency of this space.

All programs are teachers and when we learn the lesson and process the energy of it we are upgraded. Ready for the next level of program and lessons and processing. Because we are doing this as a conscious collective of beings, we are truly moving through these new levels of awareness together. We leave behind what no longer serves us as it does not function at our new upgraded capacity. We must sometimes remove the old programs and defrag the space allowing the new programs to run at highest capacity. 

We have emotions like crying and sadness, joy and laughter and all forms of exercise that allow us to physically purge the system of negative energy ( most effectively done with intention) allowing us to bring our energy back into balance. We can also become aware of the use of the movement of the energy in our toroidal space and how to use it to remove negative or unwanted energy. Grounding is important to understand as a completeness of the procedure of processing energy here on the earth. 

All energy unprocessed will cause energetic responses or blocks on some level. 

Energy is movement and we are not moving enough. I encourage you to move more, breathe deeper and say “I am moving and breathing because I love me. I love all of me, every cell, every photon of light.”

We are Creators

 Every molecule, every photon of light and particle are making energy. Your energy has an energetic signature. Your signature is your energetic identity and you are responsible for it. You are responsible for all the energy you create. Let us make friends with these unknown partners in the collective consciousness that we are. 

Lets connect with ourselves on the molecular level and express love and claim responsibility for all of the energy we create. Let us ask it to heal us and to help us maintain the highest possible vibrational frequency.

I am energy

I am a body

I am skin and muscle,tissue and bone

I love me and all that I am

I am veins and systems working together to move energy to transmute energy and to restore all that i am

I am photons

I am molecules and I love all that I am. I claim all of the energy that I create. Shall all of my energy go to restore my body, energy, soul complex and raise my capacity to hold the light.

I am Light


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