Higher Self Alignment


By Kay Noble 

What does it take to become aligned with your higher self? 

 It takes unconditional love for you and every decision you’ve ever made. It requires accepting the fact that you are here for every experience that you had. 

Each experience here, has indeed been a teacher, you have found the lessons or at least, established the protocol for finding lessons and integrating them for your own highest good. This means you’re able to look at yourself in light and in dark. 

We have all had a cornucopia of lessons, past lives, and we all have a galactic heritage. We all are a part of the collective consciousness of energy and we are all here to help our family.

You are doing your shadow work. You are sharing your experiences. You may be crying and transmuting A lot of energy.

You are learning to control your energy. Why? 

Because your energy directly influences the EOS of Earth and everything here. It is time to become aware of your energy and love the beautiful creator that you are m. Through this act you will align to the higher self  consciousness that you are host of, your body is the home of your soul.

 “ I am intentionally a beautiful light on the earth. I purposefully exude unconditional love light in my world.”

Allowance- all beautiful things take time to grow. Patience and self love are your tools. Each effort is precious and each failure a teacher. You have all you need and as you hold love for self, soon you will see that other people are having many of the same experiences as you.

Allow them to have their experience as this is how we learn.  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Your higher self is You from a very internal way.

You are the container of the organic universe, able to contain the energy of Source because that is your Source. You through your unconditional love and energetic effort will align to this awareness through seeking gentle truth and love of your own self. Then others. Follow your heart 💜 Your higher self consciousness is already aligned with Source so to align with your higher self consciousness you must raise your frequency to the highest possible frequency for you. Learn all you can about how to raise your vibrations and allow yourself to know that your journey is perfect for you. Namaste 🙏


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