Geometric Shields of Intention

Geometric Shields

By Kay Noble

Copyright 2021

Let us look at the subject of geometric forms for energetic shields or protection in a whole new light. When I learned shields a few years ago it was because I had become aware of energetic beings that were attaching to my energy, that was a new energetic awareness for me and I held fear which lowered my vibrations, and I got much relief from the placing of shields. 

Why ? I believed they were protecting me like an energetic shield. Geometric form is a container of a message, the message is telling contained energy where to go. The creator legally aligned this energy to be contained by energy of an higher vibration, claimed and commanded the energy to do a thing. The collective consciousness of all that there is has agreed to keep this in place for the highest good of all. Each geometric part of the alchemy is a template to tell the energy where it is going. Governed by the beautiful intention of your heart. The important thing about a shield of geometry it to keep it round. A round shape is without an attachable surface or angle and works well at keeping us energetically protected. It is also a very easily imagined shape and allows for easy integration into our prayers and thoughts.

As I continued to grow I learned it is our right to make Sovereignty statements and I integrated that wisdom as well. I am sovereign in my right to choose to be a high vibrational beautiful being, and all that I choose for myself. I do not have the right to make sovereignty statements for others, but I am free to share my thoughts. Others may or may not read them. As we use these geometry symbols, let's remember their intention is healing and protective energy, that is a high vibrational energy that raises your own frequency. Making you an unsuitable host for negative.

Wearing a smile on your face has a beautiful effect as well. If you have not mastered your vibrations by becoming a great processor of energy then I recommend shielding with the intention of raising your vibrations and help you to stay clear, pray daily. Placing symbols doesn’t make you safer than the next person, what you believe does. Do you believe that you are surrounded by a Toroidal field that is round in nature because you are not only a consumer of energy but a producer of intelligent energy. If you ask your energy to protect you from lower vibrational energy it will. So it is. 

Please take time to go within and ask? Why are you here? Express love, and look for the lesson. Journal it and leave a space to come back and place your thoughts about the subject in a year and see how you have grown. You must now begin to love you on a cellular level. Look for the energetic parts and send love to them all. They are a part of the collective that is you. Imagine a circle of geometry around you as a protective space of never ending energy.


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