Remove Trauma


Use the image as a healing light code. 

Using a powerful healing technique of quantum light energy. 

Say this to get rid of TRAUMA and pain:

In the knowing that I have BEAUTIFUL & WONDERFUL life experiences ahead,

I give my BODY- EVERY CELL, every experience a BLANKET FORGIVENESS.


To integrate this FORGIVENESS of all my TRAUMA & all my PAIN.

  1. There is no need to carry it forward in my beautiful life or body of energy. It has been a teacher and now only a record.

I'm excited for the future NEW OPPORTUNITIES that will come. 

I FORGIVE the trauma, 

so I may RELEASE it

I'm protected by divine unconditional golden love light

I feel every cell of my body thanking me, RECOGNIZING this Moment

I am surrounded by light energy and the influence of that energy is what I chose to hold or understand. I choose health, happiness and I am energized to match that intention.

I ask SOURCE CREATOR to take all the painful energetic impressions from my Energetic Organic Self (EOS ) by wiping it from my memory banks and saving the lessons creating a block and release any returning lessons from having a place to enter my EOS. Keeping me able to guide and share if I need to.

It is done,I am clear.

I'm protected by divine GOLDEN LOVE LIGHT 

I know WHO I am & How I serve myself & others

From this moment forward I will live CONSCIOUSLY and remain AWARE of my life and lessons in a place of love and light.

I APPRECIATE every moment, 

I LOOK FORWARD to what today brings and everydayi.


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