Consider If You Will
By Kay Noble
Copyright © 2021
I awaken each morning to a cacophony of what if’s and I wonder’s all delivered to the FB Stream , (source teaching resonating energy aligned message- stream *) emails and all other forms of social media streaming and news Programming, all entering your energetic organic source space ( EOS) because we are energy we gather our energetic information from our energetic field.
Your Energetic self is influenced greatly by this programming that you choose. You have free will and choose the program that you allow to play within your EOS.
Your Energetic Organic Source is the place we pull all higher dimensional energetic information from. Our sense of knowing and our connection with the Akashic are here. Our Claire's pull information directly from this space as well. Your energetic space is also called your Toroidal space as your mind/body/energy/soul complex create this energetic field about you through your life force energy. This energy can be seen by specialized energy sensitive cameras, people and animals sensitive to this field and you can also train yourself to become aware of this energetic field and use it to connect with your higher self (your gathered life experiences,shared with you by higher dimensional aspects of you for the highest good of You)
This is done by becoming aware that this energetic field exists and becoming responsible for it. Your family your team are communicating to you here in this energetic space as well. When your emf connection space, EOS, or toroidal space is polluted you may feel very tired, low energy, sudden shifts of energy, stabbing pains in head and joints. Eye pain, muscle ache, swelling and red blotches on skin.
Negative vibrational frequencies influence our positive polarized energetic body in a negative way, lowering our overall energetic stability. Causing low vibrational areas or weak spots in the frequency of our toroidal fields.
Taking charge of your energetic body means not only becoming aware of this energetic space, but then becoming the programmer of that space.
When we become aware and responsible for what we put into our field that influences our decision making and our experiences (as it is within our EOS source stream) this will bring us to a new level of energetic awareness and ability.
What will be made available to you through your ascending awareness and growing responsibility? Only you hold the answer. Consider if you will.
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