Keep and Hold Light
We are a keeper and a holder of light
by holding the highest thoughts and feelings.
By becoming aware that I am an energetic being
And that energy presents itself in an array in which
We must choose the highest and best timeline
for ourselves and others.
This is what it is to be an energetic healer .
To heal.One may have a mission
to find out who God is with us
Or that deity that we worship, and what our job is
When we raise the entire earths vibrations
to those of love, peace and understanding
which will intern create a beautiful harmonic
Earth that promotes a beautiful and harmonic response from the energetic arrays we send out of our bodies and minds.
This is the energy God wants us to use to influence
to create love that the very earth and all on it will feel.
It’s time to loose the fear !
The purpose of being able to shield
and protect ourselves to heal ourselves
with our own love light is known.
We are protecting ourselves from
is technology of frequencies that
are not helpful to the beings of the earth.
We shield like we
buy auto insurance just in case.
Beautiful Kay! You are so right! Positivity begets Positivity 😇