Sources by Kay Noble
By Kay Noble copyright ©️ 2023
All rights reserved
S is for Source
Source- source original universal resonator creator energy.
It is the energetic source of our universe.
Our planet is aligned in the solar field and with the heating and cooling of the planet our precious atmosphere provides even more forms of energy .
Earth's Energy is the product of the planet of earth that is the energy that resides within the toroidal space of the planet and within the planet. Your EOS is your product and the energy that is within your body is also yours. What is within earth’s EOS, is eventually within your in some photonic expression right down to the atoms.
We want to be very positive with our words. With our intentions aligning messages to ourselves that are uplifting. Words like I am feeling youthful, I’m happiness, I am happy and grateful that my resonance is able to align with Golden Lovelight and work with unconditional golden Lovelight as a catalyst of alignable intentional energy that is able to be protective in the highest vibrational frequencies and align with us. I understand my life was a series of events and they were a teaching for my soul, and my soul is happy to be here aware of my own soul’s energetic existence and abilities to interact and interpret the earth and suns energetic creational codes. My soul is in my body and we are one beautiful energetic person.
An energetic person can experience many types of energy.
I can experience thought, smell, taste, kinetic and spontaneous energy.
I can experience solar energy of a very high frequency just by standing the sunlight,when I feel the sun's energy on my skin I am happy!
Ourselves in our skin suits or our earthly intentional body and all other bodies of energy including the planets and moons and the satellites, stars, antennas of reception, listening and sending, speakers, phones, all manner of broadcast absorb and influence all types of energy permeating into the Energetic operating system of your planet and YOU.( your own universe.)
What’s in your EOS?
You are within the EOS of your bodies energetic creation a toroidal energetic induction zone as energy doesn’t sit still.
Like all toroidal spaces poles are established. Yet another reason we shield with unconditional lovelight seamless shields of energetic protection.
What is entanglement?
EE Energetic Entanglement is illegal in the Golden Lovelight universe.
Energy becomes entangled with dark words spoken all electronics we interface or interact with.We should not engage with the internet when we are low vibrational. We should always ask to remain in our highest possible frequency.
On the lower consciousness we may see this entanglement through many evil beings that are seen as dark consumers and influencers and entanglers of our golden Lovelight energy. Yes and another reason we shield intentionally.
From each creator to that which is created, with our beautiful intentions, including the way our energy is engaged by the recipient and returned is all energy and the very empowerment of our cosmos which is reflected within our light body as we are with our beautiful energetic souls.
- A parent to a child
- An employer to an employee
- Teacher and Student
- Quantum intention to Quark
- Pianist to piano to audience
- Awareness and Responsibility of our energetic interactions
- To learn responsibility on the energetic level is a broader way to consider energy and our energetic reactions
Not only can we begin to consider the influence of the layout of our homes and the Bluetooth frequencies within our home. We can also use the EMF meter to consider placement of ourselves in lounging and sleeping. To energetically align our bodies for the best possible energetic experience. Realizing that we are within a current or an energetic field, that our bodies are also with this field and how to influence the energetic field not only with our quantum intentions, but with education, and other helpful devices that scan and repulse unwanted frequencies.
Our mission is to learn, not to be intimidated but make ourselves aware and informed and comforted. These new frequencies are here with our 5g and higher fields of awareness.
Your body is your tool and earth is your source, the earth is your ground and you are a processor of energy.
Energy is the atomic structure of the creation of our earth. 🌍
Using this thoughts makes my body an organic energetic computer. I’m running an intelligent operating system.
Here’s the thing with processors, they can operate at different speeds and they can run different programs but the must not be overclocked, or pushed beyond their capacity to receive, so they do not overheat and burn out. It’s true they can perform many different tasks at once but they also need to be grounded! Your ability to use energy not only requires good ground but the energy aligns better in a body that experiences lovelight, joy, bliss, happiness, sovereignty, unity, compassion, kindness, prosperity,truth and equality.
Your body performs as an energetic processor. You are intelligent. That means that the cells, molecules and atoms that are you are also intelligent. Quantum computers use the mind frame of thought to input the commands to the computer and create a type of mind frame holographic system that is able to communicate with higher forms of consciousness communication.
This beautiful EOS is still operating and you can absolutely influence the EOS of the earth with your EOS and body of influences, presence upon it.This natural EOS can be influenced by yourself even In the smallest way by just being here. In a larger way, by loving yourself and your experience, and a still larger way, by looking for yourself in others.
Want to go universal?
In your heart send them love and hold a vision of the highest best path for others experiences. All that you are is energy and that makes you the creator, influencer, controller, interactive of energy and the consumer of energy by interfacing with all of the different types of energy. Becoming a programmer means that you operate your own OS. Body or Organic Source.
Being energetically responsible is ascending from within.
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